Experiences with FX Pro – good or bad?

FX Pro is without a doubt a big Forex broker that investes a lot of money in marketing and that has a solid presence in the Forex community. They even sponsor a Formula 1 team. FX Pro runs big and aggressive promotions and that’s one of the reasons why they have been growing so fast the last couple of years. But that doesn’t mean that FX Pro is reliable. There are a lot of traders that are not happy with the FX Pro platform and their service.

The biggest and most serious complaint about FX Pro is that they make it hard for you to withdraw your money. You really have to take this seriously because if a broker keeps money in his pockets and won’t let traders withdraw it looks like a scam. Of course, not every trader has problems with withdrawals but not just a few either. If somebody tells you that they manipulate charts then this could be a personal impression that doesn’t have to be true. But withdrawal issues are another story.
But how does FX Pro react when you want to withdraw your earnings? First of all they accept all deposits and don’t make any bigger security checks. But when it comes to withdrawals they want to know everything and receive documents that don’t even exist. For example if you made a deposit 2 years ago and you don’t use this method any more or moved in the meantime then you will have issues with your withdraw. And it’s highly likely they don’t accpet it or you have to fight for your money at least.

However, you can’t prove any scam by FX Pro but we don’t recommend them. Some practices don’t look reliable and just because they invest a lot in marketing doesn’t make them more reliable.

Experiences with FX Pro

Let’s see what other traders think about FX Pro.

I have no doubt that their demo account is different than real money trading. There’s something fishy here. But I have no complaints and my withdrawals have been accepted so far.

I had problems with my credit card deposit. I deposited money but it never reached my account. I had to send lots of documents but without any result. Still can’t find the money in my account and that concerns me.

Great demo account and good support. Can’t say anything about withdrawals so far.

I made some different trades simultaneously from different PCs and there have been major differences. Something is wrong here.

I could not close a position that was very profitable. The trade went in the wrong direction after that and I lost a lot of money. Stay away from this broker.

I experienced major issues with my withdrawal. They just did not accept the documents I sent. They accepted my deposit without thinking about it but didn’t want me to withdraw. Please stay away from them!

I tried to cashout my earnings twice but the money never reached my bank account. They wanted document after document until they found anything wrong (what actually is no biggie) to refuse my withdraw. I gave up.

ForexScams.org Recommends:

#1: www.plus500.com - Millions of traders use this reliable and simple platform. Get your free demo account. Risk warning: 77% of retail CFD accounts lose money.
#2: www.avatrade.com - Reliable FX Broker with EU-offices and very high safety of funds.

The Alternative - Social Trading:

#1: www.etoro.com - the world's leading social investment network. Just copy successful traders with a click of a button and profit. Risk warning: {etoroCFDrisk}% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with eToro.

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Rating: 8.2/10 (45 votes cast)
Experiences with FX Pro - good or bad?, 8.2 out of 10 based on 45 ratings

51 opinions and experiences

  1. Juan says:

    Fxpro is huge scam, they didn’t pay my balance of 23720$ they didn’t try to solve and after 3 days blocked my account. Please be aware, NEVER TRADE on fxpro

  2. sabatha says:

    they hove stole all my money and my profit account number they use is luno

  3. Romik says:

    One of the most well-known brokerage companies, I work with them for a several years and never had any issues with the withdrawals, execution, server connection or another technical problems. Trustworthy and recommended broker!

  4. Rico says:

    IMHO, one of the most reliable brokers nowadays.
    Pros: regulated broker with long history, fast execution, high liquidity, tight spreads, professional customer support, very helpful mobile and pc apps, wide range of platforms and trading tools, fast deposit\withdrawal.
    Cons: no bonuses, limited number of payment methods on the accounts with FCA regulation. But these restrictions are more concerned with the regulator than the broker.

  5. Luke says:

    I think fxpro receives most part of bad reviews from the amateur traders. Serious advanced traders choose fxpro because this broker is licensed by the most rigorous regulatory authorities in the world and they withdraw profit extremely smooth.

  6. Yaroslav says:

    This is a very good broker. Stop complaining. Maybe you never worked with real scams. The services on the quite high level and they often try to develop it. Client support always tries to help and there are no problems with deposits and withdrawals.

  7. William says:

    FxPro has recently terminated all my active demo accounts and my access to my direct account without previous notice. My account was verified.They said that clients with live accounts had their accounts moved to the new system. I lost all the history of my active demo accounts trading. I do not trust them anymore.

  8. Alex says:

    Most people who gave negative review on fxpro, either you are a bad trader, or just BAD TRADER.

    Im not from fxpro side, im just a trader who has been with them for a while and im fully satisfied with them.

    I would be more than happy to prove im not working with fxpro
    This is my mt4 acc
    And investor pass tambangea888

    Feel free to check the deposit and withdrawals i made. Dont judge a broker easily by saying they are scam if you dont know how to trade properly.


    • genielle says:

      can you contact me then, because i just paid them 250euro and my account has not opened and i keep emailing the agent who i was on the phone to, he is not answering. I even called the HO number and no one answers. I believed I have been scammed.

  9. ellias says:

    i am trading fxpro more than 2 years. i lost 40.000 usd. all my trades stop out. after stop out it moves other side. i am sure now they are market makers and they are opposite of their customers.

  10. Aristos says:

    I don’t know why some people say that they have problems with fxpro. I opened my account more than 2 years ago and I’m still very satisfied with this broker. The broker has never tricked me.

  11. Leonid says:

    This broker offers very competitive spreads and fees in comparison with other top brokers and there are many account funding options to choose from. Also there is a great range of accounts and trading instruments.

  12. Nahiro says:

    Their educational block is the best that I have seen among brokers in the industry. They provide free and with simple registration demo accounts, fantastic educational library and webinars.

  13. Taras says:

    Overall I’m happy with Fxpro. I’ve traded before with a few other companies and had issues with the withdrawals of my funds. This broker is reliable and responsible to its clients. Now I don’t worry about my money.

  14. Rodri says:

    FXPro is market maker and if they are not then the LP is. IF a LP is a thief market maker and FXpro is watching how the money get stealed from their own costumers and they are happy with this business model. That makes them an accomplish of stealing. You can not say I saw the LP stealing from my costumer.. I provided it for them but I am not guilty of stealing. I am true ecn honestely.. yeah right.That makes them as guilty as the rest of the heartless MM scammers. I enter a trade short breakout nrent oil…goes against me.. quick change it to long ( this was a test by the way to make sure they are MM) and yesss goes against me. spreads jumping. any trade you do it goes against you.. well 7 out of 10. you gain 100 they manipulate 250 against you. I think it is the best way to avoid this kind of company’s and never become a costumer of those anti social people and let them go bankrupt fast. Bankers are the devils friend and those kind of MM helping brokers are their slaves. Because brokers screw their costumers so they will not stay long because of their behavior. If they did a different business model they could actually make money themselves and long term costumers. But for that they are not intelligent enough Costumer are their confict of interest. They hate you but need you to steal your money. Offices in Russia and Cyprus ? Really ?? how trustworthy is that ? We both know what kind of country’s that is. they are on the news many times for fraud. I think they have an office in London just for the looks. regulation, documentation, .. all bullshit manipulation. All of the many MM who deserves to be hunted down to bankrupty and every client they ripped of may kick them until they don’t move anymore.. any MM broker.. my 5 cents thought. They screw you as policy.. payback time. the only what is fxpro, trade like a pro is that those mind sick people there, screw you and steal your money like a pro

    • Rodri says:

      I hope there will be found a true ECN broker for normal people with small pocket with only good comments and they get all the clients there is away from the MM and let the MM scam burn in hell forever.. Still looking for true ECN with hones LP. will be difficult I guess. Honest company’s are hard to find. Time for a cleaning inside this business.. So all the honest company’s if you want millions of clients.. show yourself to be honest and you will have millions of clients. And if every clients pay 10 euro a day on commission you will get 10 million a day. but I think it is more commission. So here a good business model I think.

    • Rodri says:

      Last comment.. Having an ad about Plus 500 is the same kind of scam brokers like fxpro they trade against you each candlestick. They are one of the worst.

  15. Vladi says:

    In general, the platform is not bad: interface, analytics, range of tools – all at the highest level. At first I was confused by the long verification. But then I realized that this was done for safety. For the sake of this, you can endure this procedure. I trade both with pc, and with the phone. Withdraw on paypal – the process is smooth.

  16. Zulu says:

    I’m trading forex with FxPro since 2014 and I like this broker because of their reliability, professional support, free educational materials and training webinars. I have no complaints to execution. The deposits and withdrawals are fast enough. And I enjoy the software they provide for algorithmic trading.

  17. Tony Martin says:

    Any Forex broker review and comparison guide that reccommends Plus 500 as number 1 is obviously a huge joke.

  18. Riyad says:

    Truly safe broker with their own innovate platform. I’ve chosen FxPro as my primary broker a year ago and never regret about this choice. Also I want to add that they provide quite good and professional service and quick deposit/withdrawal process.

  19. FX Victim says:

    I have used FX Pro for three years & no one can ever tell me they are not thieves.
    They are the biggest scammers out there.

    I have actually been researching their scam to see exactly how they do it & some people who have posted here about their scams are all 100% right.



    There is no trader who goes around defending their broker with so much determination as you see from the fake commentators here.

    Ask yourself. What does a trader have to lose if his broker is attacked online?
    If he is making money, what other traders say about his broker should not bother him.

    Remember that FX Pro is a big scammer with a big wallet.
    They have people specifically employed to go around sites like this one to defend them.

    FX Pro is a dangerous broker with a big marketing budget. You have been warned.

    • Pippen says:

      Oh damn. The same thing why are you trying to persuade us so badly. If you are just a trader, what other traders say about his broker should not bother you.
      Maybe it’s you specially employed to go around sites like this one to insult FxPro?

    • R says:

      FX Victim is right. These commenters who are defending their broker all make the same comments of being with FXPro for ‘x’ many of years and how this broker is the best. It’s obvious this broker hires people write fake positive reviews and commenters to defend their company. They manipulate the markets with their software that hunts your trade order, and then intercepts the trade data while your order is active so the prices pretends to be volatile until it you slowly see your profits in the red increasing greater and greater to a point where you are forced to get out of the trade. Just make the same trades on 2 different accounts, one on a demo and one with FXPro and you’ll have your answer. 🙂

  20. daniel says:

    still chasing after them to give me back my money (5400$!!) they was good until 2015 since than they are very high risk bankrupt broker

    • Noah Patrick says:

      Oh really? Now we have 2017. They are still working. Me and some of my trader friends have no problems with this broker since start. Where is bankruptcy ? Far away.

    • Julia says:

      I have same trouble also – send them withdrawal requests and they doesn’t answer me after three months. Deposited 32,000 $, and it seems lost till today. I don’t know what to do in this situation, but now trying to contact advocate in this case. I heard that there a lawyers from central Europe and they help people to make withdrawals of their funds in that kind of situations

  21. Howard Baum says:

    Good broker with clear reputation. Everything works great. Trading platforms, orders and executions, network connection, money deposits and withdrawals – all go smooth and stable. Spreads are low , slippages are rare. Never had any withdrawal problems. So it’s obviously all you need to trade successfully. Strongly recommended to smart, both experienced and novice traders.

    • FX Victim says:

      The funny thing is you have not told us a period or type of account which you’re basing your ratings from.

      I have used FX Pro for three years extensively on both live & demo accounts specifically to identify their fraudulent operation.

      Overwhelming evidence points to a major professional scam in operation aided by a number of UK legal loop holes which Im determined to have changed.

      FX Pro also uses a huge marketing budget to perpetuate their scam (a lot of lies to unsuspecting new traders & other traders who fall for their big lie).

      The reality is opposite to everything you listed in your comment apart from deposits because I have personally experienced problems with each & every aspect you mentioned.

      Of course, there in no issues with deposits & not every trader is going to experience the same thing.

      However, the evidence is there starting from their contract where, most importantly, they admit that they are not a real broker.

      They also admit that all trades are executed & terminated at FX Pro.
      They also admit that no trade is ever taken to the open exchange.

      They are counterparts & principle to all CFD trades meaning they are always trading against all their retail clients.

      They also admit they only get prices than actual liquidity from liquidity providers.
      This clearly means they use their own money in all trades with their clients.

      When a trader makes a profit, they lose & when traders lose, they collect all that money as profit. Why would you expect them to allow you to make profits?

      It is in their best interest for their clients to lose & they have many clauses in their contract which specifically say they will take “action if a trade is not in their best interest”.
      What do you think that means??

      They have basically given themselves the legal right to take your money if you happen to be winning more than they are & to silently take your money when you simply cant trade.

      However, most of their scam is legal due to a number of legal loopholes but there is one UK law they are breaking & this is where we are going to get them.

      They are committing fraud because they are deliberately misrepresenting themselves to their clients as an impartial broker (where they deliberately pass themselves off as a real impartial broker who does not “interfere”) when in reality, all their client’s losses are profits for them & they deliberately sabotage their client’s trades for this reason.

      If you’re defending them, they have either not hit you yet or you are on their payroll.

  22. Andrew says:

    FxPro is a market maker with typical trading conditions, but solid license, that will make you trading more secure, but not easier. A lot of problems with platform, big slippages, poor customer support, all these makes trading crazy. I advise to choose not only regulated brokers, but also ECN, without conflict of interests. If you don’t know what companies to choose, add me in skype, vovkfx, i will help you to solve this problem.

    • Herman says:

      Im sorry what? Problems with platforms? Poor support? Are you sure you wrote your comment about FxPro? Not about any other broker?
      Platforms stability and variety, perfect costumer service are one of the main advantages of FXPro. So please stop lying.

  23. Ranil says:

    Last year I traded on the FxPro Ctrader. Quite comfortable and modern platform, I satisfied. The UI is convenient for me, there are a lot of tools, good analytics and no requotes. Orders opens and closes immediately. As for me, Fxpro provides quite honest and qualified service.

  24. Andrew says:

    Big and reliable broker, but crazy slippages and slow execution make trading unreal. Yes, it’s called ECN, but still conditions are awful. CS is also very slow, so you will be alone. If you want to trade with solid broker and get good trading conditions, I can help. Just add me on skype – vovkfx.

    • Robert says:

      Well. I strongly disagree with you. In my case executions are instant. Didn’t notice any “crazy” slippages. Only regular ones. Its impossible to trade on real market without them at all. So you are just unlucky and have technical issues from youк side or this is fake review.

  25. Moshe says:

    I registered FxPro account in 2013 and still trade with them. I didn’t have any problems with customer service, execution or withdrawals. I think many traders try to blame brokers for their own mistakes. It will be better for them to read rules carefully and learn more about volatility and buy/sell stops and limits.

    • Nilson says:

      Totally agreed. My experience shows me its impossible to reach success in this business without fails at start, And its up to you how you manage it. You can get it right and fix your possible mistakes in future. Or you can blame everyone around you. Especially your broker. I have only good stories with FxPro.

  26. Vitinho says:

    I like FxPro, because it is very universal broker. They provide a wide range of services and can offer something interesting for every trader. And there are no limits in trading styles. The platforms and customer support are very qualitative. And it is very convenient for mobile trading. I work with this broker and recommend it to my friends.

  27. paul m says:

    am new and i fear already……i will shift to another broker.

  28. Jordan says:

    When I started on FX, I tried to trade with a few brokers, but after 3 years of experience, only FxPro is still in my list. Only this company never betrayed me, and I have never had problems with withdrawals.

  29. Arti says:

    Quite good and reliable broker. During my work with them I have black stripes as well as white stripes, but I have no any claims to FxPro. Working conditions are very good.

  30. dave says:

    yes same here most of the time thay trade against you to the point of you might a well go and buy a scratch card. you got more chance of makeing money that way f know how there in business

  31. 4X King says:

    FX Pro is definitely one of the most dangerous brokers to trade live with.

    I have used the broker for two solid years & I noticed within a few days that something was not right with their platforms.

    The biggest scam about this broker is their claim that they get liquidity from certain liquidity providers.
    The reality is they only get prices from liquidity providers which they then feed into their platforms.
    FX Pro then provides the liquidity which their unsuspecting clients trade with.

    They are not connected in any way to any real market in any way shape or form.
    Basically, FX Pro is a market maker & their retail contract although written to confuse the reader, states that you trade in a FX Pro market & there is actually no real market. They are the main counter party & principle to all your trades.

    It means when you trade on FX Pro platforms, they are trading against you.
    This is in their ‘colorfully’ worded contract -which they know most people dont actually read.

    You need to read it word by word to basically decode what they mean.
    Their entire scam is all there (possibly as a legal requirement) but which they try to hide with lots of confusing terminology.
    Their contract also takes away ALL client’s legal rights by the way.

    As one person has pointed out above, it is true that your trades will be manipulated so that you lose. I have seen all sorts of tricks they play & I would need a good amount of time & space to list & breakdown exactly how they scam their retail clients.

    They have invested a lot into algorithms specifically for this purpose. Trading with them is just as good as playing chase with a computer.

    Withdraws are also a big problem with this broker.
    I initially did not have a problem with all the small withdrawals I requested & my money usually arrived in my account within three days until I started making bigger profits.

    When I asked them, they would tell me all sorts of excuses for weeks.
    I stopped trading with them & my money arrived weeks later.

    I got the sense, this is just a way to frustrate profitable trades away.
    They dont expect you to withdraw your money once you deposit it & if you start making more withdrawals, it means you’re not bringing them profits & you have to go.

    As someone else pointed out in the above comments, their spread will stretch to either stop you out at a loss or stride your Take Profit line with the ask line & bid line on both sides of the TP. This way, the trade does not close because both ask & bid line need to cross the TP line.
    It will remain striding the TP line with only the ask line moving with the price while the bid line remains behind striding the TP. Only if the volume is high enough will the bid line finally cross the TP to give you a profit.

    You therefore can not place a trade & go away to find a profit waiting for you on your return. You have to sit there & watch every move otherwise you will hardly make any profit.

    If you try to close a wining trade, the platform may freeze or show a dialogue window saying “Invalid”. You then have to close this dialogue window to try again & by that time, the price may have moved back into negative.

    Also, if you try to hedge a trade, the rates will differ on each side to the point where every move the price makes in whichever direction will result in a small loss. If it keeps moving, you keep losing more. Whichever way the price goes results in a loss to your trade.

    I suggest anyone who wants to trade with them to first read their contract word by word to make sure you actually understand what is clearly written to confuse the reader.

    The only thing I can recommend about FX Pro is their demo accounts which do not expire & you can open as many as you want for as long as you want. BUT never ever trade live with them, you will lose all your money either in their phony markets or when you try to withdraw it.

  32. Kha says:

    I will never trust in FXPro, I traded with FxPro for long time, I have fixed account, after long time of traiding, I found that, the positions closing not in the same price which I requested, specially in SL, if the price was near of SL, don’t be surprise if you see the price move up/down or the spread move wider more just to close your positions, and if you ask the company by chat or send email about the reason, the answers always same, there was some news or abnormal moving in the market and the spread is coming more wide.

    NO way to return anything from their side.

    I informed them that the account is Fixed spread, they answer that the fixed spread is working only in normal condition of the market, and anywhere / anytime, if you see the spread is wider, they have answer, the market was in abnormal condition. (they only do copy/paste of the answer)
    Also, if I opened many orders during news, all orders closed in negative side, even if my orders was LONG and the price moved up, it closed because I put SL, and they make the spread MORE wider just to close the orders with HUGE loses.

    It was really bad for me to trust in that broker.

    My advice for everyone, be carful from FxPro.

  33. salim alami says:

    They are the worst scammers.
    Evertime I put a trade in , I mean everytime even if it was hitting my profit target , when I put my position in then it would go the other way.
    its a BUCKET SHOP.

  34. Michael says:

    Totally SCAM Broker, I was hearing rumors from other clients but i thought it was fake only until the time to withdraw my profits came and they wouldn’t allow me.

    To my surprise they accuse me for abusing their terms and conditions and they will not give me my profits. I have filed a formal complain to CySEC and i will take it all the way down with them.

    I’ve heard they did this to other clients as well after what happened with the Swiss franc as they are struggling financially. Anyone with similar experience please share here. It will help with my case with Cysec.

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