UFX Bank – a complete scam?

UFX Bank is a pretty big and well known forex broker that got some bad publicity within the last few years. There are several reasons why UFX Bank is not considered to be a reliable forex broker. Right now, there are no lawsuits against UFX Bank or something similar but there are some very serious complaints against UFX Bank.

However, the sheer amount of complaints here at ForexScams is a very good indicator that something is wrong. Their sales team seems to be aggressive and tries to exploit traders weaknesses and greed to extract as much money out of them as possible. At the moment there are about 200 complaints here alone and every comment we approve hurts. It hurts to hear that people lose money through UFX. Most of the time it’s not $50 or $100 but some serious 5 or even 6 figure amounts. We are really sorry to hear that and I always ask myself: “Why can’t we warn in advance? What needs to be done to avoid it?”. And here we ask all of our readers: Please share this page to your community. Whoever may be interested in CFD trading can be another victim losing live savings. The more we can warn about it the better. Thanks in advance.

The Internet offers plenty of opportunities for traders to tell the community what they think about certain forex broker or other offers. This is absolutely ok. But it’s not ok if a company writes positive reviews about itself. That’s what UFX Bank did. They said that it’s the fault of a blackhat SEO company that worked on the search engine optimization of UFX Bank and used these methods. You have to ask yourself: what serious forex broker hires a company like that and gives them even access to sensitive information? How safe can your personal information be with UFX Bank?

Another problem is that it seems UFX Bank is not registered at the NFA. The NFA number that UFX Bank claims to be theirs does not exist in the NFA database. This is not a good sign.

Experiences with UFX Bank

Let’s take a look what real traders have to say about UFX Bank. As it’s proven that UFX Bank did fake some positive reviews, we can’t take positive reviews that don’t find anything negative too seriously.

I wanted to close my UFX Bank account and have been called from different persons in a short period of time. They all wanted me to keep trading and wanted me to make at least one last transaction. They have been so annoying and I was so pissed that I agreed that I’d open one last silver position. The account manager put my whole bankroll at stake and I lost it all. That’s not what I wanted but they were happy now because I lost everything. To me, UFX is nothing but scam.

My account manager always told me to open positions that are way too risky. I believed him and now all my money is gone. I think abouting suing them.

I have problems with my withdrawal. Maybe it’s due to the fact that I asked them to close my account simultaneously. UFX does not want to lose costumers and they try to keep you as badly as they can. This says it all about this broker.

UFX is a scam. Don’t use them and trade with a broker that is regulated by the NFA.

Withdrawals at UFX bank don’t work. I complained and now they seem to work smoothly.

ForexScams.org Recommends:

#1: www.plus500.com - Millions of traders use this reliable and simple platform. Get your free demo account. Risk warning: 77% of retail CFD accounts lose money.
#2: www.avatrade.com - Reliable FX Broker with EU-offices and very high safety of funds.

The Alternative - Social Trading:

#1: www.etoro.com - the world's leading social investment network. Just copy successful traders with a click of a button and profit. Risk warning: {etoroCFDrisk}% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with eToro.

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UFX Bank - a complete scam?, 4.6 out of 10 based on 46 ratings

237 opinions and experiences

  1. Joe rogen says:

    Scam alert! This company is a scam, they steal money from their clients all over the world, advicing
    them to put money on false stocks. This is an Israeli company owned by haim toledano who got lots of criminal records in israel. Stay away from them or you lose your money.

  2. budWeiSerZ says:

    I confirm UFX is unprofessional they only care about your Money.
    My Broker recommended to get rich with Oil since Price is going up. Never happened but lost almost 5000$ on that because Oil is cheaper as Water by now because Politics.
    What made me think about fraud is that they don’t explain you how stop loss works and they also did’t explain that shorting and long stuff. They also for sure don’t help you to not loose your Money. I am very bad at trading that’s right. Since then also no daily updates, like i am done for them.
    Be aware, they really only care about not more than Money.
    Like a drug cartel, they know how to use your weakness, as long as you supply them Money they are being friendly.
    Sad World where Criminals have Rights to operate 🙁

  3. Billy Alexa says:

    It took me 6 more before I opened my 25k account with UFX.com. Maybe if I was reading some reviews here before I will never get started, probably never. However and I am glad to say however I already have an experience with UFX over 14 months and it is good experience, I never had a deposit or withdrawal issues what so ever. More than that I can say I never add any issues to say the truth.
    In the start I lost but I didn’t give up as I knew it will take some time and I made money in the total. Up until now I had two account managers with high level of market knowledge that gave me more market information that I could be ever teaching myself, so this is great service from UFX experts. I recommend using their easy and user friendly web trading account platform and their services. Also they are following strict MiFID 2, Market in Financial Instruments Directive. So I cannot ask more than that because even my Swedish bank as I discover do not provide it.

  4. Mat says:

    I keep hearing its like a gambling. Making profit on OIL is so easy its about supply and demand! If supply is low price go up!! Vice versa, its so simple. I just dont understand people making comments like its gambling ,learn the market its not a rocket science.

  5. Piotr says:

    Well, some comments are from 2012 .. 2019 company still exists and operates. Scam brokers do not survive that long. So make your own math regarding all this comments.
    Trading with them for over 6 month now and have not had any problems, happy with this broker.

  6. Chloe says:

    Avoid! If you happen to have funds in their possession, make sure you activate your stop-loss! This is why they are taking your money because they won’t prompt you to activate it, you have to bring it up. If you haven’t invested yet, DON’T! They will take everything you have and more…

  7. Mellwin says:

    The best for everyone that got scammed by this organization is to make an report. Because they have not scammed some hundred. Many thousands.
    This is a horrible organization, where their Bank, UFX Bank is also conducting delusions.

    Do as Americans, they drive for prosecution, and usually win these cases. If there are enough cases, lawyers and prosecutors will wake up. UFX is known for its omnipotent stance with control. So many manipulative elements are included, and intentional lies. Make a notification on ActionFraud that is part of Europol. Very simple to fill in! Also make a report to BCR, Broker Complaint Registry.

  8. Dennis says:

    Since there are so many victims got trap from FX.com where they are thief and a big scammer, why can’t authority catch them or the government should be strict to broker without licence.
    This is very scary to newbie trader and how are the newbie to get the licence broker to invest. Because it getting more fraud broker.

  9. Menver says:

    UXF trading scammed me out of 26000usd. Do not go near these people they are horrid, unethical and do not care about you, they will make you pennyless that is guaranteed. Please please avoid these guys at all cost, it happened to me and hundreds of other people but don’t let it be you next to be scammed.

  10. Lamia says:

    You gotta be kidding me! How on earth did I not find this website before starting with ufx? I just started with 2900$. I thought I’d take a risk as many people do, you never know maybe I’d make good money and eventually leave my daily job!
    I have not experienced loss yet but one thing I definitely agree with you on is that they are very very convincing and if I lose my money, I won’t blame anybody but myself for believing some1 I don’t know.
    Will keep you posted!

    • Lamia says:

      Just to update you guys. I have lost all my money; 20k of investment and 50k total. People who have not started yet DON’T. They will make you lose your money soon as you ask for withdrawal. They are thieves.

    • ex employee says:

      I was UFX.com employee on 2016 as account manager for about 1 year, I quit UFX because like you mention, we have to ask our clients to trade on big deal, especially for gold and oil.
      When clients profits they will ask me to push clients to trade more until clients loose and can ask to add more money. I was really feel pity to all my clients, after I quit from UFX I contacted to all clients which I know the numbers and help them to make profits after that I advised them to draw all the money, not all was profits but at least they was able to return their money even still has lost but not that much.
      UFX will never let you win and draw the money, they will ttry their best to stop withdrawal.
      Thank you.

      • Khurram Baig says:

        can you please help me i have just lost $82000 with ufx they bullied me into the trades and mis sold everything

      • Uygar says:

        Can you guide me on what action I should take for these people. I’ve lost a lot of money with them. Cyprus court? Lawyer? Please.

        I appreciate

  11. michel says:

    this company in israel because I was a lawyer against them in London and he told me that they have not exist in London and its location in tel aviv

    • Uygar says:

      Can you please guide me on what action to take to retrieve my money from these people since you are a lawyer and dealt with them
      I appreciate

      Thank you

  12. Robert Taylor says:

    This company lost me over £12000.00, I managed to get £1600.00 back
    But the rest was lost over night.
    I am trying to find out how to go further to get the rest back as I never made a trade on the fsx. Site

  13. Niyi says:

    Bigger than a scammer!! UFX is simply a fraud empire. PLEASE & PLEASE.. do not do any Business ness with them.


    !!! Thief!!! Thief!!! Please, don’t do any business with UFX..This Company is just out to steal from you.. I lost my entire life savings and they won’t even pick my calls or reply my email.

    I regret ever doing any business with them.

  14. Khaled Gad says:

    u can add me the fool list , i just lost 19000$ last week , i deposit 19000 and i made 4500$ in a week , now i wanna withdraw it but nothing , and they send me 400$ before but when i checked the sender name i found nothing but (overseas trade cancel ) no ufx no shit !! . for sure they are theifs and we should make them pay back by anyway

    • Khaled says:

      Hello again, they r not scammers but they drag u to loose, but I got my money back in easy way, just don’t follow there instructions

    • clapete990atGmaildotcom says:

      I recently recovered my own investment from these bogus brokers. Am just glad this nightmare is over.

    • Ks says:

      My account manager insisted to open a trade that i was not happy to open ,and made me close the trade that i had open , with his games i lost almost $90000
      As a beginner i started with 2000 and they started to call me every hour and encourage me to increase the amount ,i add all my savings and pension money and i lost all in one day before getting anything

    • abcdefg says:


      Can anyone get back to me if they really get there money back from UFX and how they did it!
      I lost lots of momey and I am getting in bit procedure against them.

      • jac says:

        I have just joined there co. and looking at all the complaints,as a pensioner. I am very worried I havnt traided yet as my account and data was not enough so there calling tomorrow but I don’t know if I can cancel my bank account with them ,as they have all my information that you fill in, can you help

        • Aa says:

          Their Israeli bank account in the 1st international bank in Israel was just closed 10 days ago by order of the Israeli Supreme Court due to money laundering

  15. Gabby Ma says:

    Its surprising how these retards keep getting victims, and they keep using the same damn pattern, Banc de binary is fraud to me, regulated or not because i lost my investment to them and other brokers from different trading platforms. tried chargeback, got nothing, tried my lawyer, lost more on fees. i finally stumbled on Calgary security (dot) org . it was another risk to me because i had to settle a fee and you all know how hard and risky that can be most especially when you’ve already lost enough. To cut the long story short, i did get my money back along side some of my profits by the help of calgary security

  16. Rudhra says:

    These guys are a joke..I created a profile a week back and the moment I finished creating it I got a call from England from a guy. Asked me to verify information and what not. We spoke for a while about General stuff before he asked me about my credit card information. When I told him I didn’t have a card he insisted I get one as soon as possible. I told him it would take a week or so, before casually ending the conversation and hanging up. He calls me back in 20 mins insisting I get a card by the very next day and that it should have a minimum of 450$ in it. I agreed and hung up. I didn’t pick his call the following day. When I checked my phone at the end of the day there were 8 missed calls from this dude. Lesson learnt. In the week that followed he must have called me about 15 – 20 times. A little research on them bought me here. Whatever you do..DO NOT trade with these guys.

    • Reddy says:

      On Nov 07 , 2017 UFX made 10 unauthorized withdrawals on my credit card within a space of 1 minute and cleaned out the balance of the card. Since then they manipulated the prices and size of my trades and eventually the account got closed. From what I read many have suffered the same MO as I did with the trainer Adam Conner. On the complaint Molly Ann from customer a support was quick to respond asking for details and haven’t heard back from her yet. This outfit is a scam and needs to be shutdown.

  17. Rayn says:

    Is there anyone who has sued them in the courts and was able to recover what he lost?

  18. Sabine says:

    Please stay away from this page, it started November 2016 I got a call from UFX, talked with them a little and decided to give it a try, put 1000$ on the Account and opened the positions what the account manager told me to.
    The first account was empty after 30hours, so a new account manager called me so often till I decides to try it again and put another 5000$ on the account.
    didn’t really got teached how to trade, so my account went up and down.
    Also I opened all the time throught the phone positions by mistake just by scrolling through, because it’s a one klick opening, all other pages you need to comfirm it.
    Than my 3rd account manager called me on the 28th of December.
    He told me he is the best and, to be honest he was.
    He teached me how to trade, told me exactly how to open my trades.
    But why did he do it: because he was attracted to me, called me from the first day on my private phone, privat stuff.
    We got friends and talked about 4hours a day.
    After I saw him on skype, and told him to keep it better business wise.
    He wanted me to open really high positions, and I lost my account because the positions went against me.
    Oh man I was depressed. I lost 17.000$ of my own and 40.000$ of my earned, traded money.
    So I got again a new account manager, they try to get you with so frases, I really like you, you are a nice person, I wan’t you to make money.
    They don’t, they work for the company and just want you to open high positions to get more commissions from the spreads.
    They don’t care if you lose your money, they have other thousands of clients to take the money.
    All company’s account managers work for the company and not for you.

  19. janehartwatgmaildotcom says:

    I recently recovered my funds from a bogus broker, with the help of a refund professional. glad i was able to get a refund.

  20. Sourav Gaud says:

    I am sorry to hear so many of you have been cheated out of your money. I too have become a victim of UFX. I was trading myself and stuck to a small risk strategy and made reasonable returns. I was then assigned an account manager, Sean Dean, who pressured me into taking a trade which I was not comfortable taking resulting in a loss of 20000 USD. I should have never trusted him but stupidly thought he had my interest at heart. I would like to recoup some of my lost money but more importantly want to teach these crooks a lesson. I plan on taking legal action as there is definitely a breach of fiduciary responsibility if not active criminal intent. I feel if we all join together they are more likely to face justice. They have cheated retirees out of their pension and destroyed lives and I feel like we need to take some action. Anyone who would be interested in joining such a suit please contact me on [email protected]. Also advice on how to best approach this would be most appreciated

    • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

      Also leave your review on FPA.

    • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

      Dear Sourav Gaud, If your story is real, open a new thread on FPA. Otherwise you probably just as fake as the scammers! Plus you haven’t response three emails that I sent you! Are you one that paid by ufx to put a fake review to cover up the alias “Sean Dean”. It is against the CySEC law that CIFs (in your case – ufx) uses alias, and give false information regarding its credentials, when communicating with clients!

  21. Rayn says:

    UFX Is a group of thieves and prostitutes

    • I realized that a lot of folks out there are loosing funds to trading scams. The recovery methods out there too are more of a scam too, I have seen it and experienced it. These brokers and lawyers don’t care how many folks are hurting. In my desperation I was able to seek unconventional means to recovery my money. I’d be happy to share my experience.

      • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

        Please share your experience. If you prefer that your experience not read by ufx on this site, please email me at [email protected].
        Or check it out @UFX_Scam_Alert and tweet your story if you like.
        That’s right. Don’t fall to another scam.

      • Haneen says:

        Dear Monroej,

        I have read your comments about the trading scams, and you were able to seek unconventional means to recovery your money.
        I have been scammed by UFX.com recently, they have manipulated my account and cleared it out finally with no mercy. It destroyed my family life and health for cheating me. I was wondering, if you could help me please and let me know how you recovered your money. I have sent a complaint letter to the financial ombudsman a few days ago.
        I was adviced not to advertise my complaint, until the ombudsman investigate the matter.
        Thank you.

      • Uygar says:

        Can you tell me how you recovered your money?

        Thank you

  22. Rayn says:

    UFX Is a terrorist financial company, yes, a terrorist in every sense of the word, and there is no difference between it and the terrorist organizations that kill and expel innocents without mercy and leave their parents and orphans persecuted.
    When reading what the UFX guild does in people, there is no difference between these terms and the fact that they deal with financial terrorism, robbing and looting the world, causing family destruction, family disintegration and chronic diseases for investors without thinking about their situation, way of living and circumstances. And soon comes the day to remove these people dregs, if this day is not of human beings will be of God

    After suffering with them and losing my money in a period of time not exceeding five day

    • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

      Dear Rayn,
      Will you have a look at my post below “Axe_UFX_Scam September 8, 2017 at 8:14 pm”. We can all gather together and bring UFX to justice. Has been many months I dig and investigates with investigators. I have more information to share. But you do aware UFX reading this every day if not every hour.
      Email me and we bring UFX to justice.

      • Rayn says:

        Dear Axe
        Thank you for your interest and your response
        I sent mail to them (FCA)but they do not have a supervisory authority over them and they do not interfere in disputes about the individuals with whom they responded to me
        Also their advice was to hire a lawyer but I do not know any lawyer in London
        After being stolen from me in a period of time not exceeding four days of $ 8,000

        The amount that I have lost is a little bit for some people lost more but for the country I live in it has a value but my question for how long will keep that situation unchecked
        No accountant remains a group of these scum humans spread evil
        And I asked about the information I have and whether everything that is written about them is not worth it I am the owner of statements about the amount deposited on my part

      • Haneen says:

        Dear Mr. Axe,

        I hope this email finds you well. I have been scammed by UFX.com which operate from the UK/ London, and have lost a big sum of money paid to them from different banks of my own. I have sent so many emails to the [email protected] so called independent complaint department, ( as mentioned in their terms and conditions), also I have emailed their customer service and made so many phone calls to them to no avail. I have become sceptical about trusting people in my live, after this disastrous scam which has caused me so much trouble so far.
        I have sent a complaint email to the Financial Ombudsman in Cyprus, but I didn’t pay their bank €20 . I didn’t know until I looked at their website, which mentions ( the complaint must be accompanied by a receipt of payment of the fee of twenty euro (€20).
        Must I pay the €20 and send them the receipt.
        Also the website advice the clients not to advertise your complaint, before the investigation take place, incase UFX might change their T&C or anything else.
        I would appreciate your advice and any help I get from you regarding this matter.
        Also I am welling to join you to bring UFX to justice. Many thanks.
        Kind regards, Haneen

  23. TheLostTrader says:

    UFX is fantastic. Yes, I have tried their services!

    They gave a quality support. They were remarkable in convincing you that you should try to bring as much cash as you could. Yes, your cash ,your friends cash, borrowed cash, your savings cash, well ALL cash you can get. To get as much earnings as possible, all the cash you may bring is never enough to increase your margin. The margin should be very high, so that you minimize the risks. And get the maximum profit. Easy profit! Almost (well, only almost) guaranteed.

    Then they kept calling us to invest here and there… and mostly it was successful. And they stated they were always online and accessible. By phone, email and whatsapp. Of course, they were much too busy returning our calls and answering our emails or whatsapps. Except when we were raising our funds. Always available. After the funds were transferred to UFX, they were remarkably less responsive. This is normal as their main job is to get money flowing in. And ours stopped flowing. It was there already. After some time, we asked to be more “conservative” and take less risks… but…

    Then it happened the day when the Fed made the announcement. We were happy, our accounts were growing. Maybe dangerously growing to much…. And suddenly it was the moment we could not fail. THE MOMENT. And for a couple of hours, they kept calling us and making us invest into GOLD. We should not STOP. Gold was falling, dropping vertiginously. We should go until the end of our capabilities. No need to keep that margin below the 10% as always stated. Calls, tens of calls, insisting to put all the money, no need to keep it, we are going to raise hundreds, thousands, millions… we should not stop!!! Not at that moment. The moment was fantastic.

    Then a call stating that the GOLD was rising but nothing to worry about. And it kept raising. And raising. And raising. But no worries. It would fall again. Yes, something fell. Our balance. To ZERO. Very CONSERVATIVE ATTITUDE. Thanks for the fantastic experience. A few more lives destroyed, what the heck ?

    No wonder UFX is happy for 2016. It was a fantastic year. And their marketing never went so well. They gained a lot of money. OUR MONEY. We lost it all. Whose fault ? OURS. Who helped us ? UFX. They need OUR money to get THEIRS.

    • Malcolm McDonald says:

      I lost $120,000 in 3 months from August to December 2015 by being persuaded by the trainer, Ethan Ross, and David Hanson, now claimed to have left, to draw money from my Credit Cards which they did om my behalf, to save a losing account, This is their MO The trainers are obviously on commission, I am still paying off my credit cards, They are a very sophisticated, persuasive and liieing scammers. I wish I had come across this website before, Is there any possibility of suing them ANYBODY ?

      • ameer ghalib says:

        I’m limited with words how daunting the last 3 weeks have been. The overwhelming stress of losing over $280,000 in a trading scam has led to loss of sensation in my right leg and numbness in fingers.
        I normally never post personal stuff on Facebook however im hoping by sharing this message you will kindly help report/share a scam trading company called UFX which has taken $280,000 from me.
        Beginning of June I started trading with this company called UFX (ufx.com).. by myself I made small daily gains and within 2 weeks I made $35,000 profit. Then a trader at the company named Jane Michaels got in touch on afternoon of Friday 16th June and encouraged me to make larger investments reassuring me I will see a bigger return on investment… within 2 hours of making this investment I saw a significant loss… by the same Friday evening (just before the market closed for the weekend) I was in -$40,000 loss. I waited for Monday morning when the market reopened and saw I was in loss of over $150,000…. in fear of losing all my money I decided to close all my positions however Jane called me and quote her words “stop behaving like a woman, things will turn around quickly and not to close my positions” …. as I no longer had any personal savings left she persuaded me to borrow finance to cover me temporarily…. so I borrowed additional £30k from banks and £80k from family and friends …. she continued manipulating and pressuring me to invest more and more… by Tuesday 20th June I had lost everything…. over $280,000 in total.
        The shock of not only losing my own money but that of my sisters and friends and financial debt was beyond overwhelming… I still am having difficulties processing what’s happened… I have been in touch with financial ombudsman to report this company. Please can you share this and report UFX company… the more people who can share/report this means that at the very least Jane will lose her trading license… if not I’m sure she will ruin other people’s life as she has mine.
        Her details are
        Jane Michaels
        Email: [email protected]
        Company website http://www.ufx.com
        Registered account name: Reliantco Investments Ltd
        Number: +44.208.1500778 Ext. 1680

        • shadi says:


          can we contact together maybe we can help each other

        • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

          You want UFX employees’ REAL names submit to your lawyer:
          UFX WORKERS (Current/Previous)

          Amor Elkarif – Business Development Manager
          Chipcia Mihai – Floor Manager
          Iulia Alexandra – Senior HR Consultant
          Radu Toader – Account Executive

          Aella Rimsa – Head of Sales & Marketing
          Alex Pirlea – Account Manager
          Anca Mărginean – Broker
          Catalin Brad – Account Manager
          Cristina Spiridon – Account Manager
          Popa Eusebiu Andrei – Account Manager

          “Richard Binstock – (Past Affiliate Manager)”
          “Peter Wiersma (formerly UBINARY.COM UBAffiliates VP)
          ParagonEX ——————– Current VP Marketing Toyga
          – UFX Affiliates”

          TOYGA alliance of UFX (Current/Previous)

          Ismael Hassan – Branch Manager
          Khalid Al Rafati – Regional Manager
          Meirav Koren – VP HR
          Miri Hasson – Learning and
          Development Manager
          Moran Perry Shima – Project Manager
          Nicole Addam – Office Manager
          Oryana Malinovsky – HR Coordinator
          Shiran Harush Shem-Tov – Coordinator
          Shirley Hayat – HR Recruiter
          Tal Aizik – HR Recruiter
          Yossi Greenhime – HR Manager
          Youssef Soussan – Training Specialist
          Gidon Jablonka – NOW WITH http://WWW.COVERCY.COM

          Ari Waknine – Sales/Customer Service
          Ariel Vider – Sales Management
          Aviva Segal – Affiliate Manager
          Benny El Shir – Sales Management
          Eman Mouallem – Sales Team Leader
          Evad Fahele – Sales Manager
          Maya Kenner Fitoussi – Sales
          Natalie Benshimol – Sales Management
          Ori Balkanyi – Data Analyst
          Ortal Fulber Cohen – Account Manager
          Shiran Lev – Team Lead
          Sibel Dusi Namer – Account Manager

          Alona Kolganov – Web Designer
          Avivit Abuhatzira – Graphic Designer
          Dor Nahum – Designer

          Jeries Bisharat – Toyga Media
          Jon Bar – Media
          Nofar Vilf Confortes – Toyga Media
          Ofir Ben Yosef Epstein – PR & Branding
          Ran Laskier – Toyga Media
          Regine Malka Taieb – Senior Media Buyer
          Saleem Si – Account Manager – Media

          Aviva Segal – Affiliate Manager
          Ofir Ben Yosef Epstein – PR/Branding
          Omer Rapaport – Product Marketing Director
          Peter Wiersma (formerly UBINARY.COM UBAffiliates VP) ParagonEX ——————– Current VP Marketing Toyga – UFX Affiliates

          Amir Msalha
          Cheli Mizrachi
          Elad Rolnitzki
          Elan Kol
          Gal Alfy Akerman
          Grace Damouni
          Katerina Giladi
          Liat Binyamin
          Lilian Ag
          Lina Haj
          Montasr Mzlbt
          Naama Erez
          Natalie Benshimol
          Ofir Ruf
          Or Kaykov
          Pavel Riazanov
          Ran Itzkovich
          Reuven Alayev
          Sagi Sabati
          Tal Bar
          Tal Even
          Yaniv Yifrach
          Yuval Schechter

          You’re welcome!

        • Eddie says:

          Ameer what country are you in?

      • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

        Dear Malcolm McDonald,

        Yes, I am indeed determined and desperately want to shut down UFX.

        We all gather together surely can shut down UFX. Please phone UK FCA +448001116768 or +442070661000 tell them you scammed by UFX.com trading name of Reliantco Investment. Make sure it’s UFX.com. Make sure that you get a complaint reference number from FCA. Tell FCA to ensure your complaint has been recorded. Said to FCA that UFX.com as a regulated firm but violate the regulations. Just like Banc de Binary. FCA well know who is Banc de Binary.

        Just like Banc de Binary, UFX regulated by CySEC, but still, Banc de Binary big time violate the regulations and scammed million if not billion of general public money worldwide and Banc de Binary got shut down in the end. Doesn’t matter they did sponsor Liverpool and Southampton football or like UFX shit using Mike Tindall and Andres Iniesta on the front page! Who the hell are they!

        UFX’s mother company Reliantco Investment is regulated by CySEC. But they obviously violation all the rules and regulations. Under CIRCULAR NO. : C181, B. 8. “CIFs must ensure that the Staff uses its real name and not an alias, and does not give false information regarding its credentials, when communicating with clients.” Many more.

        You also need to complain to CYSEC https://www.cysec.gov.cy/en-GB/complaints/how-to-complain/

        We can all gather to go to a law firm and bring UFX/Reliantco to court. Please write to me [email protected].

      • Fuckufx says:

        The fuck is wrong with you cunts?! Investing so much in a clear scam!

    • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

      FACT: SCAMMED BY UFX $20,000usd

      FACT: All the UFX London phone numbers are FAKE +44.208.1500778. UFX London address are FAKE: 1 Poultry, London, EC2R 8JR. FAKE.
      FACT: UFX located at Tel Aviv’s Hamasger Street, Israel.

      FACT: All their names are FAKE!!! Include the one say “Alex Reynolds” is FAKE NAME! You and your lawyers want their real names? Go to FPA website type in UFX TOYGA employee names that I POSTED THERE!

      FACT: All the UFX “TradingExpert / trading Specialist / Account Manager / VIP Trainer” are actually none of the above. They are cold-call centre ppl with hi-pressure tactic make calls from Toyga Tel Aviv and UFX Romanian office. They don’t have broker license from any authority.

      FACT: UFX.com, ufxmarkets.com and Reliantco, have been the subject of investor warnings from regulators in Canada and Australia, respectively.

      FACT: The Nova Scotia Securities Commission wrote that they are “cautioning investors about UFX.com, ufxmarkets.com and Reliantco Investment, which are offering online trading and binary options to Nova Scotians… At least one Nova Scotian responded to a Facebook advertisement, used a credit card, and lost a SIGNIFICANT sum of money.

      FACT: UFX owner Haim Toledano and Saar Pilosof were arrested in Israel for tax evasion for holding vast sums of black money in offshore accounts.

      FACT: I recently filled in an online form for jobs then “Andy Geller” from UFX contacted me talk about trading and investment. I specially emphasised that I have no experience in this sort of trading but he said UFX provide free Trading Experts who will advise when to buy and sell and what asset to invest, plus $50 trading bonus. He gave some very attractive trading news and persuaded me to add a deposit of $450. He repeated many times said the $450usd is refundable that I can take it back but they wipeout all my $20,000usd.

      After I paid the deposit, “Julian Williams” UFX trainer contacted me. He used TeamViewer to instruct me and gave me some good trade tips to start trade which made some profit. It convinced me to place my trust in him. He persuaded me to add further $2000 to trade by myself for the next few days and I gain and increase balance to $2800. Then he phoned again said a big opportunity is coming, I don’t need to add more money but “need to get ready now”! He told me to close my gold and some other positions, get all the money ready for oil. “You must move fast, get ready now!” “the price is going up every second as we speak and you are wasting time” He spoke very fast by now and he was on the top of his voice “The market is shaking! See, Shaking!” Really pressurised me. I follow his instruction on TeamViewer and on the phone, all the positions he instructed me to open caused me to loose money, and my total loss with Julian Williams was $1300usd. I complain about him to UFX, and I continued to trade to try to recover the loss.

      After the complaint, a second UFX “Trading Specialist” was assigned to me. His name “Lloyd Richard”. He phoned to have a “chat” and he spin and twist lure me into the conversation about cars, assets and my background. He said “I will hold your hands all the way so you don’t need to worry”, “We can work together for a long time” “Make money with my strategies”. He said UFX has got 50 analysts to analyse the market every day, even if I got a degree in trading (which I don’t) I cannot and no one can beat the 50 analysts in UFX. He portrayed himself and UFX as a “trading experts” to me someone with no experience in trading so I followed his advice. He did provide two good trades on oil which gave a small profit. I followed exactly his advice on the third trade but that caused me to loose money. I then tried to withdraw money but Lloyd Richard phoned again and criticised my trade account and encourage me to trade again. I persuaded by him. He and all the trainers are very convincing. Follow his trade tips, Lloyd Richard cause me loss further and the total loss with Lloyd Richard was $1600usd. I complained about him to UFX. I was very upset about the loss and I had to add some fund tried to recover some losses myself.

      A few days later I was contacted by another UFX “VIP trainer” “Sean Dean” by whatsapp, emails, phone calls and TeamViewer. “Sean Dean” said he has over 9 years experience in trading with many strategies that I follow his strategies will make money. He claimed “very busy working with his multimillionaire clients”, he said “I work very very fast, you are wasting time, the gold has big movement as we speak, your account only small”, which I then pressurised to add more fund all together now $7000usd my trading account. On the day before the UK general election he calculated “trading strategies” for me which did make me some profit $200. So I thought his strategies really will work!

      On the 12th June, “Sean Dean” phoned and used TeamViewer to show me charts and misled me that Crude oil will go up, now time to BUY Crude oil, he said with everything happening in Saudi will put the oil price up. He used TeamViewer to point me on the UFX trading platform and pressurised me to double click on the contract and type in 10,000 contract. As soon as the 10,000 contract opened in BUY as he instructed, with no chance to close the position whatsoever, the position went to -$4000usd, then to -$6000usd in no time.
      He phoned again said if I don’t add more money then I will loose everything. While I was in a panic about the prospect of loosing my money, he added my Mastercard to my account and I was forced to add further funds $12,000usd or I loose everything. He said this extra money I can take it back, many of his clients take back their extra money and forget about ever put it in! By then my trade account already over $20,000usd but it still in minus equity.

      The next day I wanted to close the Oil position with some loss, but Sean Dean phoned again to re-ensure me that the Oil price will go up and I will bring home life changing money very soon but the position got worse and dropped to -$11,000usd. I had been told that UFX has 50 analysts to provide accurate market information everyday so I ask him constantly to check with the analysts the oil price and he confidently said is going up and I will bring home life changing money more than what other family members earn.

      On the 14th June, morning I actually whatsapp to ask Sean Dean if the Oil price will continue to go down but he text back and phoned me right away to re-ensure me that the Oil price will go up and I will bring home life changing money very soon he said because Saudi try to put the Oil price up to $60usd. But in the afternoon the same day, all of the sudden Sean Dean phoned again to demand that I put more money or I loose everything! He said on the phone the “ground shaking”? I probably idiot in trading but I do know no such thing as “ground shaking”. I then realised this is a fraudulent scheme. And UFX alert app beep on my phone demanding another $8000usd to keep my oil position open. The Oil position then closed and took away my $20,000usd in one deal!

      The next day Sean Dean continued to harass me with phone calls, whatsapp text and emails Bitcoins charts try to persuade me to sell my car and assets to continue trading! As he said, his client “sold his car to trade and buy a new sportscar, sold his house to trade and buy two houses after”. I know that’s too good to be true! I don’t believe anymore.

      My Crude Oil position opened at 46.61 but I later go back to check again – the 12th June, Market Crude oil high 46.56, low 46.38. Sean Dean actually manipulate the opening price to 46.61 make it harder for me to get profit. I recall actually witness some fast adjustment right after the Oil BUY position opened on the 12th June. This has also lead me to believe that the software programme supporting the UFX trading platform is a dishonest scheme, as it is controlled by UFX and their “high-pressure tactic monster” like Sean Dean.

      I emailed UFX customer service and “Molly Allen” replied with an email which did not answer any of my questions and offered me $500 compensation to continue trading. 
According to my investigation and reading on UFX’s victims’ statements, do NOT accept any compensation to continue trading, this would only wipe out more money, deeper and deeper into debt.

      All their emails show charts, subject “Clear View from the top” “Contact me ASAP” “Take action now” “When there’s a shooting star, you don’t blink, you stare and catch every movement. LOOK AT THE OIL” “Today is the biggest opportunity i have ever seen! please, let me know when to call you. i want you to have money today bcause you can make that happen!” I never contact them. Always they phoned me.
      They actually took my money out from my credit card without my 3 digit security pin!

      My trading when I made a loss was under their supervised by using TeamViewer installed into my laptop and they can see everything on my screen. They told me where to click and how much to type in. They didn’t explained why. Even when I asked, they just pretend didn’t hear me.

      FACT: There was actually NO trading! All happened was manipulated software and you put in money and they gain!

    • shaimaa says:

      Dear Sir,

      Very big fuck you

  24. ali taoui says:

    do not invest with ufx is a total scam thieves i lost £ 20000 back 2015 is a hell experience I will never forget .

  25. Jamie hatch says:

    If you lot don’t know how to trade then how is it a scam no it ain’t a scam if your a professional at market trading your winning if your as dum as you lot then that says it all stupid people if you invest and make profit you bank it and leave little money in your account not keep trading to loose all profit thick as fuck path you guys are so dum

    • Axe_UFX_Scam says:

      Dear Jamie hatch,
      You are an employee of UFX, just as it said at the very top of the page. If not, email us proofs how much you won and withdraw from UFX? Which one are you? Sean Dean? Jullian Williams? Lloyd Richard or Melina Theodorou head of UFX Cyprus? Or even “son of god” Radu Toader? or the grumpy Chipcia Mihai – Floor Manager? Or newpy Alex Pirlea=Julian Williams?

  26. Marvin says:

    Hi there,

    I have read many comments and want to know what can we do about it?
    please provide any ideas you have for anyway possible to harm ufx or at least warn as much as possible and save the people, please start now.

    • Mahmoud Farag says:

      Dear Marvin,

      Have a great day, i got my money back from UFX, but you have to write to (www.fca.org.uk) with your documents like a statements from your Credit Card which proves that you paid money to them, a copy of your correspondence with them, and till them what happend to you , also send copy from all of this to follow :-

      139, Makarios II Avenue
      Zavos Businss Center
      3rd Floor
      Tel: +357 25030314
      Email: [email protected]

      Best Regards,,
      Mahmoud Farag
      [email protected]

      • Steve says:

        UFX Ripped me off in 2012 and people are still being Scammed by this Forex Co

        Is there a time limit to claim money back as said by
        Mahmoud Farag
        May 21, 2017 at 10:45 am

        Please no one else use UFX they are a big scam

      • P Josseph says:

        I need help could someone advise me how to sue mt Trainer for his ill advise. I lost $130000

      • Malcolm McDonald says:

        I lost $120,000 in 3 months from August to December 2015 by being persuaded by the trainer, Ethan Ross, now claimed to have left, to draw money from my Credit Cards which they did om my behalf to save a losing account, This is their MOD The trainers are obviously on commission, I am still paying off my credit cards, They are a very persuasive scam. I wish I had come across this website before, Is there any possibility of suing them ANYBODY ?

  27. Nadia says:

    Hello all;
    Thank you for posting those comments; it helps get an idea.
    I was checking the UFX website and I received a call from this number +442035194869; I received many calls but from someone called Mahmoud Hassan. I was a bit intrigued as he made me sign up online immediately but was a bit reluctant when he asked me to put the amount of 1000 $ immediately so he can refer me for the trainers. I told him that I didn`t have the credit card on me and I will do that when I reach home. He insisted that I put the money right on the spot but I kept pretending I didn`t have the credit card number. Then he harassed me to know when I will get home so I can transfer the money to my account. This happened today the reason I decided to check some info on google and I found this site. The guy mentioned I will get training and advisory; and recommendations on when to trade; but the way he insisted and pressured me to add the money using any credit card I had on me made me suspicious.
    My question; is the company a scam? or they use bad managers to steal our money? in all cases I decided not to invest with them; I would be stupid to do after reading all those comments; I`m a lawyer and I don`t want to be stupid by not listening to all your comments. Thank you for posting this; I`m talking about UFX.com. I have no trading experience so I know now I will be an easy next victim for people making millions by fooling stupid others or just ignorant or innocent; I`m not sure which word to use.
    Thank you!

    • jibreal says:

      Hello nadia

      My advise is stop any trading with ufx if you want to save your money. They will inform you, that a personal trainer will help you through the process of trading, they will introduce you to the plateforms and how to read graphs, but they will keep asking you to deposit money to secure your accont from unexcpected events. At the end if there is something big happening in the market, they start calling people by priority. The priority for them is for those who have the highest amount of money deposit in their account. I have lost a lot of money because the trainer forgot to send me a graph concerning an expected big movement and at the end he did not help me to keep my account open.I was kicked out from the market and from ufx because i lost everything. Believe me at the begining you will be spoiled by your trainer, you will receive several calls and chat for hours until he makes you deposit more money.but again if you deposit 1 million $ in your account you want the trainer to call you first and this how it works, because the trainer gets a percentage from your deposit.

    • Kyle Duncan says:

      This is why you should trade with regulated and licensed broker. Here in SA we have CMTrading leading the way in the Forex World. Recommended

    • Newbie trader says:

      I’m very glad to hear that. I wish that never saw UFX app in appstore, it was nice looking and installed, opened demo account and began to receive calls . At first 500 eur and then more and more. NOBODY TRUST ufx PLEASE!!!

  28. Beth Evans says:

    Fortunately I don’t have any money to trade and I don’t have a smart phone. And I researched the company on Google, so I have saved the money I didn’t have anyway.

    • Joe says:

      Very good choice I started with €1000 and my account manager talked me into putting more and more until I gave in over €50 ,000it was all gone with in 4 days of bad trades least to say I don’t deal anymore with them

  29. Ken says:

    I have been trading with UFX since May 2016 and have personally lost in excess of $700,000.00 together with many hundred thousand dollar profits which I believe was transacted on a training platform with my funds going straight into the accounts of UFX. The VIP manager cleaned out my currency account (approx $40,000), my self managed super fund of (approx $400,000.00), my excess trades in my stock account of (approx $80,000.00) and five credit cards of (approx $120,000.00.)

    Now that I am completely broke and owe in excess of $400,000 and paying up to 20% interest on my credit card debt I do not receive the five to six daily phone calls enticing me to place funds into my UFX account promising huge profits.

    I am retired and I live on a small superannuation payment. There is no way I will ever recover from my dealings with UFX.com.

    The above mentioned funds have taken a lifetime to accumulate and in the end lost as a result of very calculated losing trades, in approx. 3 hours, I was told to instigate by my UFX VIP trading manager. One trade alone was closed by UFX at a loss of $550,000.00. I am now trying to calculate my total losses.

    I do not ever expect to recover my losses as my enquiries have revealed to me that UFX is a criminal/government organisation set up in Israel to finance espionage operations through out the world.

    I implore any person in the process of trading with UFX or thinking of trading with UFX to close their accounts immediately> Just to attempt to close your account will highlight to you the unsavoury nature of the personnel employed at UFX.

    Please do not trust any person who is linked to this group of companies.

    • Han Charles says:

      I really emphasise with You after painfully losing $70,000 in a hedge fund Organised by Alex Milienko who disappeared while working with AAOption. I agree with you that it’s difficult to treat anyone in this industry as a Friend unless he is from Big Option or Ftrade.com There are honest as well as dishonest guys in this world. It’s difficult to distinguish the good versus the bad guys

    • Samia says:

      Hello yes am also like y if y know how to back y money now is name ufx global y can contact FCA

  30. HIDE HIDE says:


  31. T P says:

    Hi everyone,

    I see more people have problems with UFX. I got their welcome bonus of 50 dollars. I only gave them my telephone number to get it. And I have been called almost everyday. Only picked up the phone once though.
    I emailed them asking to get my account deleted and quit calling me. Luckily the calling stopped, but getting my account deleted seems impossible.

    I luckily didn’t gave any credit card information or whatsoever. Only my telephone number and email adress.

    Any of you know how to get your account deleted?

    • Rudhra says:

      OMG I have the same problem! these bastards call everyday on top of that and no matter how many times i tell them to delete my account it just doesnt seem to be happening. They only have my telephone number and email id. Thieving sons of bitches.

  32. Sealee says:

    UFX IS SCAMMER!!! They promised a 50 USD bonus on my account but never received! Instead i got minimum 1 call a day from +44 20 8150 0778. They are agressive, asked me to fund my account to have the 50 Usd, promised several times to credited but of course never did! Do you belive a company who starts with a lie? SCAMMERS!!! BEWARE!!!

  33. Imad Halabi says:

    Guys please I need an advise, I have opened an account with the UFX and deposit 100$, however I have been called and asked to make it 500$ so I can make trade, the number called me it starts with +421, I’m really worried when I rad all those comments, is there a possibility to withdraw my money back and cancel my account with them, because this can’t right all those people have suffered from losing their money and the company still convincing people that it an easy way to make money which i really really doubt it.

    • patrick says:

      Don,t have anything to do with UFX.com. the are a complete scammers ,robbers ,and gangster’s the did the same with me . every time the rang me the wanted me to invest more and the told me I would triple my money in one week .the told me that 10 days ago I would be lifting out large amounts of profit from this week on . but sadly I lost the lot and I think you will have a problem getting your deposit back , but good luck any how .Patrick

    • exEmployeeUfx says:

      hi u all are fools and stupid investors

      I want to reveal the ufx address to all who being fooled by Indian company located in Delhi itself

      this ufx company located at Delhi.

      their address is : UFX.com

      Building # A-86, Industrial Area, Ma Anandmayee Marg, Okhla phase-II, New Delhi, India.

      Go to this address and get them to surrender themselves at jail for all 8yrs wrong doings against the investors

    • Casey. says:

      Imade Halabi,

      Just click on the right hand top corner human figure head and shoulder. Click on the word withdraw on the drop down pane. Then fill in the amount you wish to withdraw. than click ok I suppose. I did it once . That’s simple.
      The money will be transact into your credit card or account numbers depends on what account u had used during your initial depositing of your invested money.

  34. patrick says:

    Three weeks ago I invested $300 with ufx and was trading on my own on gold and oil , the first week I made around $150 profit . then a account manager rang me and told me he would show me how to trade but I would have to deposit more money to my account which I did . this time last week my account was sitting $10Kand today it is sitting at $00, how do I get my money back , these people are nothing but thieves and vultures ,my account managers name was, George Daniel Edwards a real con man

    • Krunal says:

      u are correct … i too lost my 700$ . This is a kind of software which is customised accordingly how much you are investing in your account

  35. Robert says:

    Hello All,

    Guys, I have been trading with UFX for 1.5 years now and all I can say is that they are the best in the game. I started trading back 2011, I have lost a lot of money (close to $20,000) with other brokers like Finexo and Etoro. It’s only on UFX that I have managed to grow my portfolio buy 500% now, the thing is, never listen to the account managers most of them are sales people not professional traders so all the position they tell you to open will always go negatives so that they can earn commissions. In addition to that, they will always advise to trade high percentages of your equity, when trading never trade with more than 20% of your equity and always target 40% of the 20% on daily trades you will see you portfolio grow. With the experience that I have now, I have developed a training video for beginers if interested Call / whatsapp me +254724745564 for more advice.

    • Luis Felipe says:

      Is it possible to withdraw your funds?, or do you need to make a deposit first?

      • Casey. says:

        no problem U can withdraw anytime by clicking the human figure on the top right hand corner and click on the word ‘withdraw’ Then fill in the amount you wish to withdraw and that’s it Simple. I have had done it before.

  36. Vincent says:

    Ufx fake company I lose 1500 us Doller

    • Casey says:

      I lost hundred over USD after quick withdrawal of USD 400 over. I withdrawn because I didn’t progress and they sort of abandoning me with no further advices. I have had lost USD 15,350 plus USD 8000 plus with one Plus Option Trading whose account managers are all scammers and abusers. Withdrawal was impossible and each you withdraw they ask you to cancelled and encourage to deposit more fund. They will persuade you to review your credit cards numbers and the ccv numbers so that they can withdrawn more fund from your credit cards on your behalf and make your multiplied with bonuses. They also said only in this way they can help me to withdraw my money from my account balance. Just one guided trading from one Ben Douglas make my money disappeared with balance of USD 257.44 in my account. I execute a withdrawal of this balance amount of USD 257.44. When I cancelled the withdrawal and thinking of doing a combined withdrawal of another balance of USD 3,000 with USD 1,500 each in the remaining two trading platforms, my USD 257.44 was missing without a trace or reason. Demand after demand for investigations and numerous queries seems to fall on deaf ears. In addition I found out there was an illegal withdrawal of USD 100 from my credit cards by one
      fibonatix indicated in Bank account summary data table which I could not understand and never get an answer. The live chat is not functioning at all times and their so called feedback is no feedback and isn’t respond at all. Now my last activated withdrawal of USD 1,045.17 was rejected due to Bonus reason. What the hell is it happening ??? This is definitely fraud and scammers at works. Is there anything we or anybody or institution can do something about it. Is there any police Commercial Crime Division we can file a report for some action to close this plus option trading company down and place them under investigation for fraud and scamming so that we can recover our hard earned money.

  37. gabson says:

    I have traded with many brokers (CMTrading IS THE WORST, BIG SCAMMER, you better help your emotions by running away from them by infinite distance)

    I opened an account with CMTrading after they seemed to be nice. I was influenced by their advertisement of no fee charged on deposit and withdrawal. On opening the account, I made a profit of $4.99 within few days and no longer comfortable with my emotions to trade during the week. I requested for my money and profit of $4.99.

    On waiting for days for my refund to roll in, I found out I was charged $39 and was denied of my profit. What? I immediately contacted them and was told that when I made a deposit, they paid for the fee and now that I am making a withdrawal, I have to pay the fee. I called many times but all to no avail and even contacted them on facebook but the blocked me from further posting on their facebook page.

    Kindly note I did not receive any form of bonus which may warrant any kind of strict regulation on the withdrawal of my money. No information was given to me that I will be charged per withdrawal, check their website too, you will find none.

    My account no: 130028138

  38. andreas says:

    scams,fortunately I found this forum and saved my money… thanks for preventing me,you are perfect all you guys.

  39. H. A says:

    I lost 27500$ with UFX. They will push you to add more and more money and it will eventully go away.
    They will advise you to open very risk positions with no stop lose, you will make some money sometimes but you will eventully lose.
    I opened a bad silver trade and I was losing 3000$ I counsalted my account manager that I want to close the trade instead of losing more but he advised me to keep it open stating that the silver will go up again. I kept it open, I asked him again when I was losing 10000$ but he replied the same and asked me to put more money!!! I ended up losing 15000$ in one trade as my equity was going low and I decided to close the trade.
    I was also advised by my account manager to open 4 buy trades of 500000 GPBUSD which I did and then I lost every thing remining in my account.
    It is very risky to trade with this company. You will lose all your money.

    • Mark Rohrlach says:

      These Forex or CFD providers are all con artists .
      It looks good to the novice trader , I will get rich quick .
      The truth is it is exactly like poker machines or the casino
      the odds are stacked against you .
      You can make thousands of dollars quickly , this seems like the way using there margins etc.
      It isn’t it is a trap , Markets move in waves 5 waves up and 5 waves down waves 4 and 5 are usually up a little and hide indiscise .
      I have seen that indicators , trailing stop with dots under bars when triggered decide which direction too trade , more or less this is a auto system , but you are still trusting your money to these organizations when having money in there account . It is there account and money until it is sent too you , just like all banks . But banks are a little more safer .
      I prefer currencies which can be traded through business banks without margins .
      You have to have money , or it is back to CFD providers and margins and very big risk .
      I count waves of markets , GOLD , CURRENCIES , DJI STOCKS .
      These markets are all tricky for a reason . In this life information that is given , it does not matter what kind of information after great testing you will find it is most likely deceiving in one way or another , this is the control our masters have over us .
      In the end these masters unknown to you , don’t want you too have money or earn a living like this , they want you to produce and work , then they can trick you and rip you off .
      knowledge is dangerous .
      contact me if you like to learn .

    • Kalpesh Trivedi says:

      U r right sir I too lost 4000 in this scam

      • ABC says:

        As you are from India, Do trade with a Company, where they have Support Office in India. where you can visit to their offices physically.

  40. Marry O. says:

    A great broker – been trading with them for quite a while, but I had never experienced any problems. their platform is simple and effective, mobile app works well. Besides that, support and account manager been informative and helpful.

  41. Eric says:

    Hi, how can I get after them? They stole from me

  42. lily says:

    how do i delete my account for ufx?

    • Xx says:

      No Idea, they tel you they cannot do it. Būt that they’d stop calling. And then a week later they start calling again 😀 A bunch of jerks they are!

  43. Zanko says:

    I am just about to do deal with them is this true they are scam ? I need an answer

  44. mkhalidlibra says:

    I have been victim of MxTrade recently , as I recieved call from Behrin, the number was +97316199087 (the caller name was Hassan) , he asked me if I was interested to do the investment , I replied straight away NO…
    However he kept on call ing me and succeeded to convice me that the innitial deposit was only $250 and he would take care of my account and he would open trading deals on my belhalf. He convinced me that he is been into trading for last 10 years and it was very easy for him to open good deals earing profits…. I trusted him and made an initial deposit of $250 via Western Union (Hershie Rosenberg), the WU agent for MxTrade .
    After the depost done , he opened my account on https://mxtrade.sirixtrader.com and sent me my log in details where I could see the trading deals that he opened for me as my account manager…. in the beggining , he gave me an impression that I was earning profit as my balance was increasing…
    In the meanwhile he started asking me to depost $1000 more in order to have more profit which I refused …. he tried his level best to convince me for adding more to my balance but he failed to convince me….. withing three days he told me that I lost my account and my $250 gone as my balance was not enough to trade further…. it was a nightmare ……the broker was also communicating with me on whatsapp with the number +966549792745….he was a fraud…. fooling people like he did with me……. I approached MXtrade trough live chat , explaining my position but in vain…….

  45. Wiem says:

    I was about to deal with them … but after reading all these comments I stepped back … I won’t take the risk.
    I would like to thank you all for sharing your experiences with them, it was quite helpful to understand the way they deal with their clients and I feel sorry for what happened with you.

    • Gemma says:

      Same here. I spoke with a “trader” today and I’m glad I’ve come here first!

      • Dan says:

        Same here I open my account and was about to deposit money.

        Good thing I read this,

        They have passport info expired… and driver licence

        Am I at risk?

    • Curtis says:

      I too am thankful for this chat thread. I would have suffered the same fate that many have described.

      My experience was as follows, I started with a small deposit of $500, and was immediately contacted, and giving the grand welcome, promise of riches, and my own personal Trading Specialist. But for all of this, I would need a a minimum account balance of 5K. As I am new to the market, I had decided to risk 10K as it would cause me no hardship if lossed. But really, who wants to loose money? *… Anyways, I topped up my account to 5k. Then, like a ‘magic genie’ my personal Trading Specialist calls immediately. He gives me the lecture on Gold, and Crude Oil,… and of course I am going to make lots, snd lots of $$. But, there is a catch… 5k isn’t enough. So, I would need to invest 50k to get the diamond account. This would surely guarantee meaningful returns.
      As he was giving me the ‘spin’ on all of this, I typed into Google the words UfX, and scams. The amount of complaints against UfX are so ubiquitous, I wondered how the hell I didn’t see all the horror stories before!..That said, I immediately request a withdrawal of all my funds.
      However, that didn’t go too smoothly. I was immediately contacted, and virtually interrogated. To calm him down… I said, “I am testing the efficiency of receiving my withdrawal, as I am about to make a large deposit of 50K”. He still wanted me to leave at least 50% (2500)in my account.
      I then continued by saying if he was going to argue with me about 2500, I am loosing my confidence in depositing 50k. He backed off, I received my $$ 5 days after, I cancelled my debit card, blocked the phone numbers (after seeing 16 missed calls in one day) from him. However, the emails continues… And they trying with different numbers.

      I had to use a bit of ‘reverse psychology’ to get my $$… I wish everyone luck in their pursuit. Whenever you are scammed out of your $$ you loose a lot more than just the $$.. It’s like you loose ‘a pound of flesh’.

  46. Rafeek says:

    where we can go for getting our money return back. if we all are together we can try to put them in trouble they will return our money. last day I lost my 17,000 Dollar.last Thursday I was good position then account manager called me to open silver amount 50,000. he told me its good chance to get money I did that then silver was going down and down then I put 700 dollar to save my investment but I lost all money because of him after that one VIP Trainer Mr David called me to put 10,000 dollar they will give additional 10 % Discount for that investment. please all are together we can get back our money. Please give me right and helpful information to get our money back

    • Luzo says:

      Hello Rafeek same here…M with you.. They said I can withdraw anytime and when I wanted to withdraw the are not responding to my mails … we really have to shut this down … it’s taking money from every where no matter the amount but they are taking it so easily and the bank is to be blamed too …for this .. how easily this people can access our account and take it right away … let’s fight back

    • Liam harding says:

      Out of interest was your vip trading manager mr David Hansson??? Because I dealt with him and he told to me go large on silver and guess what….I lost EVERTHING IN 3 days, I wanted to close positions and sell but he was adamant that silver was going to pick up on Fridays nfp, but no.

    • Rhys says:

      They scammed a substantial amount of money from me too they are experts at what they do!!

    • Anh says:

      David he is scammer. His name is David Hansson? I want to sue them too. He always called to annoy me and push me to trade. He said that the market is confirm of the direction, however when he told me to open up the trade it went against my trade. Please provide me anything that we can sue them

      • Malcolm McDonald says:

        David Hanson was my scammer too he pushed and pushed and pushed until my account was up to $130,00 and went bust – very clever. I am still paying off credit cards, He should be named shamed and prosecuted for fraud.

  47. uday dhisale says:

    In Oct I invested $500. In ufx also got profit in the same month but I lost all in Nov 6 now the manager is asking to to invest $5000 please tell me should I invest or not please guide me.

    • naidurt says:

      You lost 500 but you want to invest 5000. I do not know what you think. But please let me assure you that if you go ahead, you will lose 5000.

  48. naveed says:

    they took money from my accounts but I can’t buy anything and I can’t take my money back I don’t known what to do

  49. naidurt says:


    They tell you deals, which they know will drop.

    When Equity Drop Alert comes, they tell you to add money to save the deal.

    They will NEVER allow you to withdraw money.


    • Lets get even says:

      Im one of the latset scammed victims of UFX negligence. They have once again failed a professional standard of Duty of care for their so called valued clients. I have commercial Litigation specialist Lawyers ready to go with contacts in the UK and Cyprus. Those of you who wish to see a little reward of your loss to keep it conservately, please reply to this notice and I will be in touch with you as soon as possible with advice and direction.

      • Edward says:

        I have just lost an awful lot of money with UFX £1000s. On Friday 4th March my trading account had a low equity alert so my trading trainer phoned me to add more funds. I didn’t add more funds but lost almost all of my trading account.

      • William says:

        Hi I went on my trading managers advice to open positions and made 23000 but then he told me to open more and more then when I got home all my account was gone I lost 33000 dollars.devastated

      • gloria says:

        hi I started trading with its 3 weeks ago I put in 40000 of my husband redunancy money he kept telling me to keep putting on al these trades then alert came up equity running low I borrowed 20000 from my sister and 10000 from my son and 13000 from credit card to keep me in equity next day told me gold was going up and told me to put on a whole lot of trades I lost everything and have not been well since I am a total wreck

      • Maryam says:

        They have stolen $30000 from my bank account. The bank and federal crim investigation is chasing them up. I hope they get arrested very soon

        • Dave says:

          I would like to thank all the unfortunate people who have been scammed by this criminal organization for having the courage to share their experiences and warn others from being conned. I opened a demo account with them and other genuine brokers to help learn to trade fx. I have received phone calls of support and offers of help from some but a barrage of phone calls from these clowns insisting that I need to open a real account with at the very least 500 USD. To be honest they almost had me convinced, telling me I was obviously very intelligent and not to invest with them would be stupid. However after checking with Google, the huge amount of investors that have been ripped off makes me wonder how on earth they can still be in business. Could I suggest that at least the first names of the so called account managers be mentioned on here ? I have been contacted by Benjamin and Eric. All the very best of luck to those of you who have been scammed to receive at least some of your stolen money back.

          • Turcoman says:

            How They did it without your sms permission?

          • Casey. says:

            I am Asian and had invested an amount of, which is a minimum, US 500.What happened is I felt very unsure about it but at the same time I also wish that I could make a windfall through trades that had make many investors rich after couple of months as shown in some kind of video displaying in facebook, youtube, yahoo advertisements you name it.
            I am 64 years old and employed but deep in my heart I know it won’t be long before I get retrenched like others and I have bank debt to settle because of my housing loan besides other commitments. I completely have no experience at all in open market trading. US500 is not a big amount but big enough to buy me a 55 inches color tv.
            After deposited the money for investment for a couple of weeks I receive no response from any trading managers or trainers contacting me as I had mentioned I have absolutely any experience at all. Without further hesitation, I had just simply clicked the buy and sell buttons on the gold trading platform then, and I see no movement or changes displayed on my account. however, There are some changes with my account deposit had approximate amount US40 depleted. I had gone through the rest of the buttons out of curiosity to learn how to go about it all. I had discovered that there is one of the button written as ‘WITHDRAWER’ Instinct told me that I should try to click ‘withdrawer’ button to test for its effectiveness to see if the one of ufx trader was actually telling the truth that I can withdraw the balance of my deposited money anytime I wanted without any question ask.
            And I did that and checked the screen to find out the money was actually disappeared from the my investment account !!! I had presumed that must be successfully withdrawn by myself.
            All the balance of my US 446 was credited into my credit card a a week later, after checking with my credit card issuer Bank.
            I did the investment withdrawal from ufx trading platform after I
            have had my credit card replaced. And the amount balance had actually credited back into my new credit card account no. after consulted the local bank officer who had assured that they traced the credited amount and deposited into my new credit card account numbers.

            Just make me wondering why those investor need to ask for permission from investing officer or investment managers for the withdrawal whereby they can withdraw it entirely on their own by clicking the withdrawal button. Click the human figure head icon and drop down pan will indicate 4 functional buttons if I still remember, is a ‘withdrawal’ button !!!!
            May be the some ufx trading officer see or heard your naive request or asking for withdrawal, actually don’t need to, that trigger their criminal mind to take advantage of your ignorance to abuse it. I don’t know well ,.. I just guess.

            So gentlemen, when you want to withdraw your profit or your balance of profit or money ..just click the human figure button on the top right hand corner for withdrawal button shown in a drop down pan.

            For me ..I have lost confidence in ufx.com after reading all this so much of negative complaints and allegations about scam.
            I believe there is some truth in it otherwise it won’t be so much complain. There are some bad hats amongst the trading officers or managers as they are so carried away with their commision.

            But their trading platforms when compare with the Asian Trading Boards, is one the best and simplest one even though I still need to explore further.

            I had lost a mere US 30 plus but that’s a good exposal and I guess I just had find another alternative for my investment.

        • Luis Felipe says:

          Did they really take all that money from your account without you knowing about it or depositing funds?

      • Rhys says:

        I would be interested in this

      • Imran says:

        I started with $500 in March 2016 and was trading on my own with some help from the Forex factory news and other Forex related forums and slowly slowly making profits and increased the account to $12000 and I was given this VIP traing avoiding manager and lost everything from his trades in gold and oil on 7th October 2016 within 10 mins at the time of major news (NFP payroll news from U.S)

        After that account manager is pushing to invest more and I said u don’t have any money but he’s insisting to borrow from bank friends relatives etc.

        Please let me know how can we get our money back.

      • adrian miller says:

        i.m a victim of sc-options.com you best thing to do is do a complat the the fsc fourd police your local police stashon i dosited $350 and made 14.millin it was on my birthday i siad to my self this cant be right. i think it should be band and to scoudfare went to sin in and the sit was taking down after i seid that i was hack them attack them ddos them sql injeced them un till thy give me my money back and the sit got shutdown lol 🙂

      • andreas says:

        I have lost around 45,000 pounds sterling net through them. Total and utter scam. They use all english first and surnames although they all talk with significant accents… I was around 100,000 USD positive in my account and they kept on aggressively convincing me of not withdrawing my money and kept on advising/telling me to place risky trades which pretty immediately went down and I lost everything even after several times topping up the account as I was going too low on the account and it was threatening to trade out. When I eventually decided It has caused me to stop trading altogether I kept on insisting to withdraw all my remains funds which was a real upheavel, but I eventually managed to recover a small amount of the total overall. In total as I said I lost over 45,000 GBP of my own money. Don’t know what to do as everyone keeps telling me the money is gone and even though it’s a scam because they are in cyprus the british fraud organisation actionfraud can’t investigate. Is there any chance I will recover any money? Where do I report this? Help and advice is much appreciated.

    • adrian miller says:

      you can fight back by ddosing them if you get anorth pl you all ddos them at the some time you can brack them i well tech you how this is all you can do the scammers and wast there time

  50. chris says:

    im from canada and im also getting calls from them please email me if u have any info
    [email protected]

  51. naidurt says:

    The website UFX.com is down. The login option has been disabled. Therefore clients cannot log in now since past 5 hours now. Has anyone lost money because of it? Please post your messages. This is terribly scary.

  52. Steveed001 says:

    If you ever saw the movie The Wolf Of Wall Street then you have UFX down to a tee

  53. R says:

    They stole 300,000 dollars from me in a scary mean way.

    • naidurt says:

      Can you please explain the situation?

    • Luis Felipe says:

      Wow! That’s way too much, did they take the funds from your bank accounts without you knowing about it?, or did you deposit funds and then lose your moneys through a bad investment on their platform?

      • Casey. says:

        Actually, investment would face loses if we are not careful. We cannot put all the trust in the investment officer. If we are thinking about some video showing kind of a ” put money take money stuffs” that’s a big bluff and too good to be true.

        I once falls into business scam too like utilities bills and h/phone top up credit machines . about RM3,000…. had make police report and complaint to local political party and had news conference.
        Our local police are useless and bias and they only know how to use our supplied information to extort money from the culprits.

        They even know where your stolen cars is but they are lazy to locate it for you.They rather you to claim from your insurance company. Some even find your car and use it as their own after changing the identity of your cars particulars.

  54. Jane mark says:

    They just made deals on MY behalf in MY account – withOUT my permission – causing me loosing lots of money.
    I never experience fraud on this level before. Its very scary. Be aware.
    This is NOT about you making bad trades.. But about THEM taking over your account until you loose money. YOUR money but totally out of your hands.
    This is NOT legal in any way.
    This is exactly the same as just walk to one man and steal all his money from his pocket. No less….
    I dont even believe the trades you make on that page is “real”. All the money is going to ONE man behind it all. And all the employments get a little piece of the cake evertime they get one account traded out.
    When i read the bad reviews i thought it was just people making bad trades. But now i found that its really refined SCAM thats going on.

    They told me to buy oil NOW. I did that of my own free will, because i tried it before and i like that risky business….
    BUT…Not long after i opened my trades… some in plus.. som in minus – they closed every trades automatically – and after that i just received an email:
    OIL has an international contract from the 18 to the 18 of every month
    trades are closed automatically….

    He just “forgot” to tell me that, when he was VERY eager to get me to open the positions… This is scary company!!!

    • naidurt says:

      Yes, the account manager will tell you to open a trade NOW.

      Yes, they “forget” to tell everything important.

      Yes, it is extremely scary. They break you from within, eat away your confidence, render you helpless, make you a victim of the worst order.

      Only one suggestion for you — Unless you understand Forex, please do not trade.

      I feel awfully sorry for you.

      But please take solace in the fact that, what goes around comes around. Those that cheat innocent people, will be ruined eventually. They will carry the sin for generations to come. There is universal justice. Let them play with sin. The devil they work for will consume them sooner or later.

      You will get back what you lost someday. Believe in goodness, goodness will come.

      • Tracey Davenport says:

        Same as Risk capital FX evil at its best…
        I lost 300k they made 167k with my money in commissions…Evil bastards they will pay

        • naidurt says:

          Yes they will pay. In a very horrible way. My previous account manager asked me for a bribe for USD 5000 for allowing me to withdraw money, when my account touches USD 25,000. He wanted the bribe to be paid to his personal account which he said he will provide later. But the bastard ensured he puts me through the Kiss of Death deal….He made sure my equity drops from 17K to 6K…After that he deposits 1000 USD as bonus credit (lol, peanuts after looting 11K). The bonus credit was to be deposited soon after I opened the platinum account. But he deposited bonus after I lost money. He continued to lie thru his teeth, misguide, to make sure I keep losing money even with small trades. The problem is not with UFX. They employ rouges for account managers. The problem is with the account managers. Please record all their phone conversations anytime and everytime you get a call from UFX. The rouge bastard called account manager will pay. Not with life. Not with death. But with madness, a living death, when still alive, with all the curses accumulated…It will happen.

          • Esashika Faraz says:

            I started recently with this company & the vary next day, they suggest me the deals which I lost my all amount. I’m latest victim too, they don’t allow me to with draw my left money.
            Could you please suggest me What Can I Do?

          • Luis Felipe says:

            Oops, but can you withdraw your funds if you never deal with an account manager?

          • Casey. says:

            Like I had mentioned before. I have had an experience in withdrawing my money from ufx before and it is successful.
            You don’t actually need to ask for permission to that. YOU can actually doing it yourself without question being asked.
            Why YOU NEED TO ASK >>DON’T NEED.

          • Casey. says:

            Goes to top right hand corner one ” Human Figure änd click it. You bound to see one drop down pan showing the word “WITHDRAWAL” Then “CLICK” IT and you have all your balance withdrawn and straight into your credit card account ,… I did it before. Don’t let the investment officer abuse you fellows ignorance.!!!!!

          • Casey. says:

            If this ufx trading company is a nothing but a scam or keep on being abused by some bad hat on some innocent or naive and investors with absolutely zero experience like me. How come it can be still be allowed to operate till these days. It should be placed under commercial investigation.

        • Lets get even says:

          HI Tracey,
          Im a latest victim that has lost all my money overnight. I have strategies in place with very experienced people at hand. It comes down to outright negligence to trade out someones hard earned life savings overnight. Apart from not having 24/7 trade assistance as mentioned in the opening portfolio, negligence alone will stand justice in a court of law when a total usage of 15% of your equity is agreed upon by both parties. Such an experienced fourex trading officer, who oversteps this line and sells you out is negligent by not making judgements and totally disobeying their duty of care for their valued clients bests interests. Any court of law worldwide recognises this. If you can reply back to me and any other UFX scam victim that wants to take action, can reply back their email details to me from this reply, I will confidentially respond back to you with advice and direction. Im waiting to receive your emails.

          • Mary says:

            Thank you so much. i was about invest £3000 today but after reading this i would save my money in ISA or government bonds

          • Liam says:

            Hi, I too have been scammed by this horrific site and I would love to recover some of the funds that I lost. Would you be able to get in touch and offer me some advice? Many thanks

          • Dionisia says:

            Hi there

            We also the victims at UFX. My husband lost close to USD150K from the advices given by the personal trading assistance. My husband has zero knowledge in FX yet they ask him to trade and put in more trades despite of his losing positions. Every time, they will use the line “big opportunity that hard to come by” to entice him to top up his account. Whenever he wanted to withdraw funds, they will use different kind of ways to persuade him not to. Definitely a scam company employing unresponsible and greedy people.

            Could you kindly give us your advice and direction on how to file complaints /recover our loses from this trading platform?

            Thanks very much in advance.

          • Abood says:

            I’m also a victim that lost over 670 k .please let me know how to get my money back .as you know the account manager will ask you to open the trade and then we push the buttons by our hand .
            [email protected]

          • Kate says:

            I have had many bad experience and advice from UFX however on the 10 march 2016 I had 39000 on my account and looked into withdrawing some. They know every move you makes I gheaccount
            I was at work on that day. Ryan Baker rang to say a move was on
            I said I will go to internet shop and look ho overstepped me and started hovering over my account with a dealer in tow. With me on the phone kept advising bigger and bigger positions until I was left with 1800 usd
            I regard it as non compliance as was not his role to be hovering over my acc with a dealer pretending to have my interests when I’m no able to see a screen
            Any advice please
            What happens is they entice you with a couple of good moves then it’s their time to move and take alll

      • Pink says:

        Amen… Just by going through these comments I can’t help myself but gasp. I thank God that I came across this forum. As we speak I’ve been receiving a countless number of annoying phone calls, demanding that I open a real account since I only have a demo account which I’ve been ignoring.
        Sorry for those who were scammed, if not for your comments I too would’ve been a victim and for that I thank you immensely.

    • GUENIVER says:

      Really? I’m sorry if this happens to you. I have an account in UFX.COM but I don’t deposit since they offer $50.00 bonus ,difference is that I do trades myself,no one will do trades on my behalf. As a result,as i do trades myself the profit within 3 weeks as I calculated it is 208% so that would be $154.00 in 3 weeks.I dd not deposit,I just can’t believe these people fooled you.

      • Luis Felipe says:

        So were you actually able not just to make profits but to withdraw your funds?

      • Armando Silvier says:

        You have been fooled. You will never get your money out. There are hidden ‘conditions’ to getting actual cash out of UFx; one of them is that Bonus funds cannot be withdrawn. Ever.

        Were you able to withdraw any ‘winnings’?

        By the way, i know because i had a Bonus account with them and made some decent profits over 2 months. But they evaporated the account and i lost the funds. What the agent ‘forgot’ to tell me (even though i asked him several times what is wrong with practicing first with the Bonus) in about one hundred telephone calls (many of them ‘unknown’ or from ‘London’ even at 2 AM in the morning) is that any ‘Bonus’ deposited into yoru account is fake money and, guess what! So is the “real” account.

        None of your “trades” are real: uFx staff just take your money. The charts you see have ZERO linkage to your money and are there for show: they are purely artificial and are demo charts.

  55. Jan de Jager says:

    Mr. Mark Bosch from UFX kept calling me on my mobile phone sometimes TWICE a day and even in the weekend !
    Of course I had already decided NOT to become involved with UFX and just keep my money where it is safest : And that is most certainly NOT a UFX account but just my own bankaccount !

    The strange fact is that Mark Bosch was one time calling from a number in the UK (starting with 0044), but most of the time a number from New South Wales starting with 02. As soon as those numbers popped up on my display I ignored the call. The very last time about 4 days ago Mark Bosch called my mobile my display showed “PRIVATE” ……… I gave the mobile to my wife because I suspected it was him and …. YES ! It WAS him !! My wife told him politely but very clear NOT to call us again and I hope he has finally got the message ……. Although I didn’t lose any money I don’t like to be harassed all the time (as I think you can call this harassment).

    My questions are :
    Is this professional behaviour from a legitimate company to keep calling and calling and calling from different phonenumbers ??
    I told Mark Bosch once that I have hardly any spare money to trade but he still obstinately keeps on calling me ??
    A reputable broker would most certainly NOT be interested in me but only in wealthy traders who would have 5 or 6 digit amounts to spare for trading !!!

    A reputable company or broker would NOT waste anymore time to get in touch with someone who hardly has any money burn either.

    Now …… the REAL question is :
    Do I need UFX or does UFX need me …… ???!!!

    • Shaz says:

      HI, actually i also being harass by UFX. This person said she’s from the U.K but by her language and how’s she pronounced a word sounds like shes from Indonesian women. Gosh hope hope someone will take an action to this scam

      sorry for my bad english

      • Lets get even says:

        THey say they are UK based. A lie. This is because you will not find them in the UK. They are Cyprus based and owned by Reliantco Investments. Google this. I have an effective strategy in place. drop ur email address to me after this comment.

    • Luis Felipe says:

      Well, there are a lot of comments from people that have lost about 300,000 USD, it must be very annoying to have people calling you all day, how did you get in touch with the account manager?

  56. Jan de Jager says:

    I have decided NOT to invest one dollar into UFX. I am far too scared to lose the lot ! I have even read more negative postings on other fora so at least SOME of those postings must have some truth in them !

  57. Jan de Jager says:


    I am approached by someone with the name of Mark Bosch on my mobile phone.
    He says UFX is located in the UK however the phonenumber displayed is a number in New South Wales Australia where I live.
    He sounds legitimate enough and says to open a “small” account of $500 and just receive the trading lessons from UFX. As I have very little money myself I am still scared and reluctant to deposit even $500 into an account. Can someone recommend to me what to do ??

    What I am reading here about UFX is not very encouraging by the way and makes me even a lot more scared to deposit ……..

  58. Justin B says:

    Scammers. London number diverts to a house in Cyprus.

    Don’t let you withdraw profit.


  59. ali taoui says:

    UFXBANCK has stolen may money $20000 in one go ,the account manager open 6 position high risk deliberately to wipe off all my account reason I refuse to top up more cash ,when I want to withdrawal my money I he contacted me ther a good opportunity to invest more cash when I refuse the second day all the money gone ,now please please don’t get to this trap $ I hope the united kingdom low people they stop ufx scam in its soil and drag them to the justice , .

  60. M.Mavaru says:

    Hey Guys,
    Thanks for all your info. You all should know that before you trade, you must do your research first before signing up. Always check reviews on particular broker before trading. I advice you not to give away any sensitive information on a phone conversation. The best way is not to entertain the sales personal who proclaim to be your account manager. This is definitely a SCAM…

  61. Robert says:


    Forex trading is gambling, it’s not a matter of guessing a long or short position but a matter of understanding the trend (Technical analysis) plus the Fundamentals (short term effects). If you want to learn more about this, buy my Forex training DVD – Forex for profits Training (8926194.flickrocket.com). It’s an eye-opening 86 minutes of what you are doing wrong and what you should be doing right in Forex Trading.


  62. Sam hedge says:

    best trading brokerage. I’ve actually had a great experience with my broker. I deposited initially $5000 and have now earned $14000 in two weeks. I’ve had no problem with the withdrawals and I will support them. They are regulated by the FCA – government official regulation by the UK. THIS IS NOT A SCAM. if you are actually looking to make money you need to deposit more than $500. You can’t trade with this. When you make a real investment the. You will see they are reliable.

  63. Robben says:

    UFX is definitely a scam! I myself, almost fell for them after I registered. They called me almost everyday! Which was profoundly annoying for me. They asked me to deposit R500 to start/open my account where I can start trading. But I firstly realized That these people don’t have offices in my country & I strongly doubt they have any, which is HUGE RED FLAG!

    Please be careful & do your research before working with these kind of people in life.

  64. jozef says:

    hi people,

    im trading for 1 month now on UFX. first they wanted me to open a mini account with $ 500 but i only depositedd $30 to see how it works, but then they somehow persuaded me to addanother $470, in few days i have made about $800 profit, after one week trying to withdraw my money i finaly mannaget to get them on my bank account. 2 days later have deposited my account again and i have lost $2400!! now i only have $77 on my account and i dont know what to do…
    can someone help me please give me some advice is it possible to earn there my money back or is there an better market website to trade on?? is forex beter?? help me someone please mone that iv lost is really a lot for me… mail me at [email protected]

  65. descent says:

    Is The Brokers Business(TBB) a scam or real?

  66. vinod negi says:

    Please help me to know about ufx. Is it good for us or not.

  67. joseph says:

    if anyone has information on how to take back their money please send me an email or a text on +1 514 814 0231

  68. Robert says:

    Guys, I have been trading with UFX for 3 months now and all I can say is that they are the best in the game. I started trading back 2011, I have lost alot of money (close to $20,000) with other brokers like Finexo and Etoro. Its only on UFX that I have managed to grow my portfolio buy 500% now, the thing is never listen to the account managers most of them are sales people not professional traders so all the position they tell you to open will always go negatives so that they can earn commissions. In addition to that they will always advice to trade high percentages of your equity, when trading never trade with more than 20% of your equity and always target 40% of the 20% on daily trades you will see you portofolio grow. Call me +254724745564 for more advice.

    • Shalihin says:

      Need advice mate . Can u email me . [email protected] .

    • ajay kumar sharma says:

      I am also associate with UFX one of the name Mr. Amritpal singh, he started me, than another person give me training name Mr. Naghman Bashir, but at present there is nobody connected I totally lost my account is ZERO. kindly give me advice further what should be next. Now, one person name sathish is contact me deposited 2000 dolloer I will make your money double. is it true UFX or not<

      • Reserve bank of india says:

        Forex is illegal in india, we will investigate you.. thanks for your information Mr sharma

        can you give me the proper record of 2000$?

        do u have licence for Trading from Indian Government

        • naidurt says:

          Forex is not illegal. Many companies in India deal with forex. They collect money from investors. Kindly do not scare Mr.Ajay Kumar Sharma. He already lost money. Kindly understand his situation. It is possible UFX is not licenced to operate in India. Kindly investigate that, if you want.

      • naidurt says:

        Has Sathish told you he will make your money double if you deposit 2000 dollars? What is his full name? Can you explain the incident in detail?

      • naidurt says:

        Please start naming and shaming the account managers with UFX. It is good you mentioned Amritpal Singh, Naghman Bashir and Sathish. Is it [email protected]?

      • naidurt says:

        Please do not be fooled by the idiot who is writing under the name of “Reserve bank of India”. The bloody cheat is none other than the guy you mentioned above. He should feel ashamed for cheating people. But he is trying stupid tricks by writing stupid threats here. Victims have the right to agonize and discuss their experience. The evil cheat thinks his foolish threats will help him. He does not realize it is better for him to shut up and stay out. If he takes this far, he is pushing victims to go public with popular media. If that happens, his office will have to get rid of him to protect their reputation. He risks even more trouble if cheating case is filed on him as an individual; zispic will be forced to stay out of his file. It is better for him not to try stupid tricks. Mr.Sharma, I do not know who is the owner of this website. But if you want you can contact him or her; to remove names. However, it is up to you. I suggest you leave it as it is. Let evil cheats know victims will not keep quiet. To the immature evil guy writing under “Reserve Bank of India” — listen carefully (your usual dialogue)– better you stay quiet and you will be spared. You have a family to take care of. Don’t push us into using our time and resources against you. You are cursed because you did wrong. Realize your mistake. The USD 5000 bribe you asked, will go to an orphanage ashram within next 3 to 5 years (that is the amount of time needed for me to save that amount). The moment I was forced to agree (to save my capital investment), that USD 5000 is not mine. It is tainted. It is sin. You and your colleague will receive receipt when it is donated. Cleanse your sins. Cleanse you thoughts. Reform into better person if you can. Do good to people and society. You still have chance to change. Otherwise, your Greed will definitely make you mad.

    • naidurt says:

      You say “never listen to the account managers most of them are sales people not professional traders so all the position they tell you to open will always go negatives so that they can earn commissions. In addition to that they will always advice to trade high percentages of your equity” —- THAT’s it. You summed it up perfectly. Thanks for sharing.

      • Reserve bank of india says:

        you are staying at Singapore? and you are from India?

        Are u making Forex scam online?

        we are Tracing Your IP

        You made recently made so many commentary about Forex

        which forex company are you working with?

        • naidurt says:

          Who are you to allege these things? Yes, trace my IP and do what you want. Sathish Manoharan did what he did. Now you want to protect him.

      • Luis Felipe says:

        Did you lose money with ufx, I’ve read a lot of comments on the issue from you in this place

  69. Gritco Elvira says:

    How can I delete my email account on this site…ufx? I searched a lot and I didn’t find anything. Not to mention that I received many phone calls from a manager who pretend that is my manager. It is so annoying to advertise about a lot of profit, my profit…and all I have to do is to add 500$ funds. I don’t have this kind of money, it too much for me, but is a small amount for “my manager”. I think this amount is an EXAGGERATION! If you can please help me, I will be indebted! Thank you!!!

  70. michael says:

    Seriously how can people be so Fucking stupid. First of all who takes advice from some account manager whom you never heard of regarding positions? Secondly who even signs up to a stupid obviously scammy company like UFX or whatever they are called. If you gonna trade do you Fucking homework and only deposit your money with the big boys that are physically in your country and fully regulated like IG markets or such like. If you are to stupid to do that then you deserve to lose all you’d money.

    • Luis Felipe says:

      Hahaha, anybody who did their homework would realise that it is a scam just by noticing that it doesn’t ask you about your income, financial situation and investment knowledge or experience as other real brokers do.

    • Armando Silvier says:


      If you are in any way affiliated with uFx or part of the synagogue of satan, it is not even a question that you, your family, and all those you love will receive the due reward for your sins. If i were you, and i had no intention of making restitution for the evils i have done; and i had no desire to seek forgiveness from God for damaging so many human beings created in His image, i would at least try to prepare myself for the fast-moving vehicle coming my way shortly, that will literally remove my head from my body publically.

  71. Dhangky says:

    Hi! Is there a way that all my account info removed from UFX site?
    Someone just hacked my email today and signed me up to that site.
    I really have no idea. I talked to their customer service and they said that they cannot closed accounts. I feel bad. My real full name is on it.

  72. lim says:

    Do not signup UFX. Today is 08/Jan/2014 and trust me. People has been complaining UFX for long time and I’m the new victim now 🙁

    They have inexperience account manager that always ask you open trade with high risk and only reply you if you want to deposit money.

    Never believe that they will provide training to u. There is absolutely no personal coach but personal helper in losing your money.

    I got called from them promised training but at the end received nothing and my money all gone.

    Never ever trust UFX scam!!

  73. Pulkit says:

    Hie Noura,

    I am getting calls from last 1 month & they r trying to get 500$ from me for registeration. i also live in Dubai & i feel its fake. can u guide me by mailing to me on [email protected]

  74. Noura says:

    My account manager put me through a risky deal after I told him I no longer wanted to stay with them. I lost most of my money. 25,000 dollars were mostly gone, and I had 3200 dollars left. After I complained to the police and sent the complaints section a complaint about him, my account manager called and promised to give me all my money back with gold. I finally agreed and used what was left. He later made me win the first deal ($500) and I lost all my money with the second deal. I had $134 left. Can I sue them? I live in Dubai. I already went to the police here. -N

    • Jone says:

      Hi Noura,
      I am also in trouble because of account Manager. The account Manager asked me to open a trade that was very high risky and all my money gone.
      In this situation, what you did? Did you get back your money ? Where did you complain against that company ? Please advise me.

  75. Ayman says:

    This is a compelete scam company , they live on eating people money , your loss is going to them , they will give you small profit first , then ask you to deposit more money once you are reluctant to deposit or want to take part or all your capital they will finish your account in one trade.
    There are more than 40 complaints online with total loss of 1.8 million dollars
    I don’t know how these people are able to continue.

  76. Byron says:

    This broker is devious and deliberately crashes peoples accounts and pressurizes people to make more deposits with lies ” rare trade opportunities that only happen every few years”. If you google UFX Scam it is scary the amount of people they have scammed and the other things they have done. From apparently paying a company to use Blackhat SEO techniques to post fake reviews, getting a $100 000 fine from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and the list goes on.

  77. Tidus says:

    Ya they are scam I reg their account but I never validate in my email they suddenly keep call me since my phone show unlnown I ignored them cause I never intend to put money in I just Sanaa see check up invention stuff only . But it’s annoying they keep call how to block them or make complain

  78. Mark says:

    These guys have the WORST business methods I have ever seen. Registered my details on their platform from a purchased list and sent me the login details claiming “we have completed your registration as requested”. There is no delete option when you login and the unsubscribe / contact links on their emails do not go anywhere. Within minutes of receiving “confirmation” email the calls started and continued until I told them I was not interested in dealing through a company so badly run that it does not even follow the basic CAN-SPAM rules and guidelines much less any common sense approach. Did not try trading with them, waste of time, if they can’t even let me remove my non-required account and remove myself from their marketing database then I dread to think what it would be like getting my money out.

    • Mark says:

      UFXBANK has stolen my money and refused send me my money when i requested a withdrawal they called me trying to convince me to trade more and when i refused and insisted on withdrawing my money ,the account manager opened massive trades with 8 big lots and i lost all my money 16.000 USD in 2 days , THEY ARE THIEVES .

      • Lets get even says:

        drop me your email address. I have a solution.

      • Renjith Damodaran says:

        I also had a bad experience like the same. I lost almost 22000 USD . I invested around 8000 USD and made a profit of USD 14000 in a month . Most of the positions I opened my own and i profited from all those trades. When I tried to withdraw the money one of the account manager called me and asked to open one big lot on silver . I agreed and it went against me and I lost all the money approximately US 22000.

        • Armando Silvier says:

          This is common in retail forex: and in other areas of life. It’s called ‘bait and switch.’ The *only* way that B & S can work, is if the person manipulating the mark (you) has absolute control over the outcome. You say: “….I opened my own and i profited from all those trades. When I tried to withdraw the money one of the account manager called me and asked to open one big lot on silver . I agreed and it went against me and I lost all the money approximately US 22000.”

          The ‘account manager’ in this case has no license to trade on your behalf, no securities license; and no knowledge of finance or foreign currency trading, whatsoever. His or her job is to get you to give your money to the company and to dump you as soon as possible after you stop doing so. The bait is simple: the company controls the software platform and it displays a “demo trading mode” and a “real or live trading mode”. In reality, the price feed (which is free or very low cost for the company) is demo mode in both cases. The prices are not live currency prices or tied to the actual currency market, in any ‘real’ sense. Instead, the prices are ‘indicative’ and modified by the company to suit their profit targets, in real time.

          Since there is no difference between the ‘demo’ and ‘live’ modes of trading; and since the company agents all have full trading access to your account, it is simple for them to move the price wherever they want it, at any time.

          This means, at first and in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, the agent will move prices in your favor (don’t forget, the prices are virtual and entirely artificial) and make you feel the company and its filthy vermin staff are turdworthy i mean, trustworthy. After a short time (as short as possible for them) they will begin to create a ‘crash’ on the ‘market’ (their fraudulent and artificial version of it) which they will then use as pressure to get you to deposit more and more of your life savings to ‘save.’

          This is a very old, in fact, ancient and Satanic story which has been going on since Satan lied to mankind and man gave up his right to walk with God, in exchange for a lie. Since nobody in uFx is a believer in Christ (in fact, being false Jews, they most likely at least despise Jesus), they will treat you in the same way that Satan would.

          Everything i am writing here is the truth and the facts and you had best heed it! If you are working for or affiliated with uFx in any way, you need to repent, make full restitution for your sins and return any and all funds you have stolen or misappropriated from clients through your many lies and deceits. Or else, as Jesus said, a brick chimney will crush you to death.

          If you are unfortunately a uFx client, you need to abandon them with haste; and seek the grace of God to recover. It may be possible at some point to get some or all of your funds back; but i would not depend on it. Satan’s agents are skillful at lying to retain their position for a very long time.

          Pray and ask God for help. If you are sincere, He will hear you.

  79. aiman bassoini says:

    Absolute thieves. schocked why are they still not in jail. they know very little about trading but a whole lot about casino phsycology and how to trick and scam victims. actually all of their “known” officers are ex casino and gambling. the tricks they train their “thiefs” are focussed on deposits and making huge one time loss on a massive spread.

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